----- Original Message ----

> From: Dermot <paik...@googlemail.com>
> I just noticed this in my goolgemail.
> Learn Perl in London - mag-sol.com/train/public - Beginner,
> Intermediate, Advanced Taught by Dave Cross
> I guessing he paid for this. Considering how many Perl(ish) emails I
> have inbox, I'm surprised with this form of context-sensitive
> adverting that it's not permanently fixed at the top of my page.

Assuming Dave did pay for this, I'm quite curious to know how effective it is.  
Hopefully it gets more trained Perl programmers out there.  I'm tired of 
hearing the old "we can't find Perl programmers" lament.
Buy the book         - http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/perlhks/
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