On 11/10/2009 02:37 PM, Andrew Black wrote:
I would like to be able to make twitter updates from either Perl program
or from shell.  CPAN has a very large number of modules with Twitter in
their subject.
From a cursorly glance Net::Twitter::Lite or Net::Twitter look
plausabl. Does anyone have an experience that would suggest I look

Net::Twitter will do all that you want, with lots of Moosey goodness. Net::Twitter::Lite is the old version of Net::Twitter from before it was Moosed. I don't know to what extent the author is keeping ::Lite up to date with changes in the Twitter API. I recommend Net::Twitter[1].

If you just want a command line Twitter client, then take a look at App::Maisha - http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-Maisha/



[1] I use it here - http://github.com/davorg/localtwits which is used, for example, to build http://balhamtwits.co.uk/.

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