On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 12:24:12 -0600, Chris Jack <chris_j...@msn.com> wrote:

> Seeing as last year's quiz was mildly popular, I thought I'd do another one. 
> I've changed the mix of questions based on what people submitted answers to 
> last year - it also arguably a little more educational this time around.
> Any feedback about the quiz, either private or public is welcome. Apologies 
> if any of it doesn't come out well formatted - it all looked fine before I 
> hit send.
> ------------
> 1) Without running it to check, what does the following program output?
> my %a = (3,2,1,0);
> for my $b (sort values %a) {
>     $b += 4;
> }
> print $a{1} . "\n";
umm... 1

> 2) If you received a perl mongers award for contributions to the Perl
> community, what colour/type of camel would the award be?
Black and white, arabian
> 3) What is Perl XS? What does XS stand for?
> 4) Based on your answer to the previous question, what do you conclude about
> Perl programmers spelling ability?
Very terrible
> 5) Write a short perl program that has a memory leak. Bonus mark for one line
> solutions. Second bonus mark for the shortest program.
sub a(){a()}
> 6) What is the name of the official Soft Toy Camel of the London Perl Mongers?
> Bonus mark if you own one.
> 7) Write a one line program that takes a non-negative integer as an argument
> and prints the square root when the answer's an integer.
> Restrictions: the perl line should be a regular expression.
> You are allowed to use the following functions/operators "x", "-", "length",
> "print" plus any of the usual regular expression bestiary.
> Hint: Consider converting the number to unary.
> 8) According to amazon.co.uk, what is the best selling Perl book so far in 
> 2009?
You guys use amazon.co.uk? What about amazon.com?
> 9) What is the youtube.com link for the perl v other languages videos
> discussed on this list, and also the bubble sort video?
I don't give a rat. How often do you guys use .com domains
> 10) What is the highest value of X that is a currently available, stable
> production release of perl 5.X?
> 11) Think of a witty and/or interesting Perl Christmas quiz question and
> answer it.
Make your computer ask you a dumb question.


sub Main(){
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How did i do without an internet connection at the moment?

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