Yes thats the ticket!

I especially like the description at the top of the first link.

'Nested sets rely on a demoralization of parts of the hierarchy'

There's probably something witty I could say about this concerning politics but I don't want to start a flame war!

'modified preorder tree traversal' is a bit of a mouthfull and I am not sure that 'nested sets' is the correct term either but at least the descriptions make sense.

Thanks for those links.

Now to create a module!


James Coupe wrote:
ian <londonperlmong...@iandocherty.com> wrote:
* Every node has a left and a right value and a level
* For any given node, all of it's descendents left values lie between
the nodes left and right values.
* For a leaf node, it's right value equals it's left value + 1
* All children of a parent will therefore be those with node numbers
between the parents left and right values and one level deeper.

Nested Sets?


Some discussion here, although without giving a proper name to the


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