On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 13:31 +0000, Bob MacCallum wrote:
> Under the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act it's unlawful for an employer to
> discriminate against you because you are married.  This means that they
> cannot ask you about this during interviews, etc.

That may well be so but the fact remains that many employers will
quietly discard the applications of women of child-bearing  age. They
are just too expensive to employ. What with advertising and recruitment
costs, maternity leave and all the rest, small firms e.g. solicitors and
GP surgeries and so on will quietly overlook such applicants.
> Your voluntary disclosure of this information makes me slightly
> uncomfortable but I doubt there is a law against it!
> In the hypothetical future, I will only be offering jobs to people with
> wedding rings who look like they haven't slept for weeks :-)
> >
> > 35 y.o., single, without children. Interests: philosophy, foreign
> > languages, performance driving, playing ice hockey.
> >

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