On 11 Feb 2010, at 10:10, Jacqui Caren-home wrote:
> The market must be picking up - I am getting "head hunted" again :-)
> Ok, I *know* its a trawl and a not very targetted one but the fact that
> the RA's are bothering to do trawls must mean things are picking up again.

I get loads of trawls, so much that it's tiring seeing the same bloody agencies 
over and over again spamming me with their PHP and webmonkey jobs in Outer 
Arseshire paying tuppence a week. Premier London is one, so just block 
*...@premier-london.co.uk now to save time later.

What I mainly noticed when the market dived is that the agencies switched from 
phoning people with the skills to just spamming everybody on their database, 
and I'm hoping for this to revert again now the market's picking back up. I'm 
back up to one or two calls a day again, from a peak of six a day in 2007.

> I dont really fancy moving abroad - quite happy where I am - but I am
> curious about this company - anybody know why they are hunting for a
> new CTO?

Rather bizarrely, I was pimpspammed about a "Head of Technology" role at 
Endemol. Everybody must be doing their spring cleaning of dead wood in 
anticipation of getting somebody useful in.

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