On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Uri Guttman <u...@stemsystems.com> wrote:
>>>>>> "PE" == Peter Edwards <pe...@dragonstaff.co.uk> writes:
>  PE> I do hope anyone considering the online gambling gig has read:
>  PE> 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Carruthers#Arrest_during_US_transit_flight
>  PE> "Welcome to the Land of the Free. Unless you provide on-line
>  PE> gambling to US Netizens" :-]
> i didn't want to get into this but i do like to get facts straight. the
> scandal that article refers to is for betonsports.com and this company
> is betonmarkets.com. i googled and found nothing mentioning both
> sites. here is a comment from the ceo of betonmarkets:
>        There is no link whatsoever between the companies. Betonsports
>        was a massive company (over 3000 staff as I seem to remember)
>        and had offices everywhere, so I'm not surprised they also had
>        offices in Malaysia.  They were known to be a dodgey company,
>        openly flouting US law.

It is not surprising me in the lightest that beton sports is dodgey.

Zbigniew Lukasiak

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