On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:20:41AM +0100, Bob Walker wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010, David Precious wrote:
>> (Yeah, ideally you'd be running a dual-PSU box with each PSU connected to a
>> different supply, so you should never lose both, of course.)
> which is fine as long as you paid attention when plugging stuff in and  
> made sure that you didnt use more power than one feed could provide.

And made sure that they plugged the UPS serial cable into the same
device that is drawing power from the UPS.  Because when people have
multiple devices that control their own UPSen and they cross-connect
those cables, that's a baaaaaad thing.


I object to intellect without discipline.  I object to power without
constructive purpose. -- Spock

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