On 29 August 2010 22:00, Aaron Trevena <aaron.trev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm working on a "smart mirror" catalyst web application and was
> wondering how many people use their own repos, mirrors and mini-cpans
> to get an idea of usage etc and if people would pay for somebody else
> to provide something like that for them?
> .. yes it'll be all or mostly open sourced, if it's successful I'd
> like to be able to provide some commercial services to cover the
> project development costs and/or subsidise my other open source
> coding.

Bah, london.pmer's I mean.. sigh.. now I'll get grief for apostrophe abuse too

I'll get me coat..

Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

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