On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Kieren Diment <dim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/03/2011, at 10:05 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:
>> On 1 March 2011 09:49, Dave Cross <d...@dave.org.uk> wrote:
>>> Need some advice on iPhone Barcode reading apps - so I turn to london.pm, my
>>> favourite group of iGeeks.
>>> My wife is a teacher and they're about to start a stocktake of all of the
>>> books in the English department. Rather than count them all, she wondered if
>>> there was an iPhone app that could help them.
>> I'm fascinated to know how you could use an iPhone to scan a barcode - can 
>> someone explain?
> With the camera ;)  Scanning high contrast images for information is a 
> reasonably well solved problem.  Get rid of noise and highlight edges with a 
> LoG (laplacian of gaussian filter - could be wrong here my knowledge is 
> ancient and theoretical), then seeing as a barcode is basically a 2d image, 
> use the barcode spec to get the information out of it by walking along the 
> line measuring the thickness of the bars.

There's a rather nice worked example of implementing barcode scanning
in 'Real World Haskell'.

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