David Leadbeater wrote:

> In an extracted copy of the dist, try something like:
>   eval $(perl -V:ccflags); perl Makefile.PL CCFLAGS="$(echo "$ccflags" | sed 
> 's/-arch ppc//')" && make && make test
> i.e. take the ccflags perl was compiled with, remove the -arch ppc option and 
> then pass that to Makefile.PL. You'll probably get some warns about ppc not 
> being there, but it works anyway (although I'm on Xcode 3). If that works I 
> suspect you can then convince CPAN.pm to pass that option to Makefile.PL.
> (It's very nice of Apple to break their toolchain and leave it to everyone 
> else to fix it...)

It would be nice if someone could put together a post with all the
details and ramifications for p5p and/or cpan-workers ...

David Cantrell | Nth greatest programmer in the world

Today's previously unreported paraphilia is tomorrow's Internet sensation

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