On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 22:18, Toby Wintermute <t...@wintrmute.net> wrote:
> On 23 May 2011 21:07, Peter Edwards <pe...@dragonstaff.co.uk> wrote:
>> Back to fighting with ActiveMQ. Feh.
> By the way.. how are you finding ActiveMQ, especially when interacting
> with it from Perl?

FWIW, we find it scales fairly efficiently and works robustly in the
field for the use we make in MCollective.  It is, presently, the best
of the options out there in terms of scale – but if you don't need
clustering, or super-efficient multi-site message routing, you might
find that some of the simpler competitors are easier to approach.

> I've been recommended to use it for a project at work, but I don't
> think the recommender has actually used it. Curious to know how it
> works in the real world.

For anything message-bus you really need to ask "in the real world,
for a load like X", for your own X.  The number and size of messages,
persistence, timeliness, and consumers can make a substantial
difference to how well the tool works.  For anything less than a few
MQ, or a few thousand small (4-128K) messages a second, most of the
options work just fine.

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