On 06/14/2011 01:45 PM, David Cantrell wrote:
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 01:39:55PM +0100, Edmund von der Burg wrote:
On 14 June 2011 12:22, David Cantrell<da...@cantrell.org.uk>  wrote:
It also has the problem that only people who care will use your module
in their tests, and they will be exactly the sort of people who don't
need your module!

Perhaps this idea should live in the cpantesters' domain - I'd
love toget an email whenever I uploaded something that had a
licensing issue (whatever that is). And if there was a scoreboard
of some sort then people would pay attention :)

CPANTS is over there -->  :-)

Actually, CPANTS looks a little broken. Its data is almost three years old.

"CPANTS data generated with Perl 5.010001, Module::CPANTS::Analyse 0.82_01 and Module::CPANTS::ProcessCPAN 0.77, at 2008-08-13 10:00:03."



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