On 23 August 2012 19:43, Peter Corlett <ab...@cabal.org.uk> wrote:
> On 23 Aug 2012, at 07:22, Toby Wintermute wrote:
> [...]
>> I'll try VPNing back to my shell account and see what happens.. can't
>> be any slower than 3G already is..
> IME, this will make HTTP *faster* because it bypasses the bloody awful 
> transparent proxies that mobile telcos insist on using to mangle web traffic.
> It'll also stop said proxies from popping up the "we think you're trying to 
> visit a porn site, so we've blocked it as an excuse to try and sell you our 
> own soft porn service" page when you're visiting vile corrupting sites such 
> as camra.org.uk.

Sounds like it's worth setting up OpenVPN on my mobile as well then!
(I was thinking "tether mobile, then run vpn from laptop" but maybe I
should go "openvpn from mobile, then tether it")

Thanks for the all the advice so far :)

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