On 08/28/2012 01:49 PM, Zbigniew Łukasiak wrote:
On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Dave Hodgkinson <daveh...@gmail.com> wrote:

Anyone done this lately? Still as useful as it used to be?

I did it I think 10 years ago, so not really recently, but I am
disappointed that I cannot find my certificate at their website now (I
still have the paper one).

i also did it way back and didn't like it then. multiple choice tests in general suck for actual testing of real world skills and programming ones suck even more. no candidate i have reviewed in ages has ever mentioned brainbench nor has any client. so in my world it is a non-entity. i know of several take home tests from clients that i review or see the answers and they tell me much more than any 'cert' could do. so does reviewing of existing code samples. there is no reason to even consider a timed multiple choice test.


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