I am sure the majority of people on the lists will know about these but I would like to encourage everyone to promote these upcoming courses on mailing lists and social media accounts where possible. Perl is seeing a real need for new developers and the only way we are going to ensure that we get them is by courses like these. Also, for experienced developers the Conway courses are invaluable, Damian is a master of Regular Expressions and having the skills to present well in front in public are essential for many wishing to further themselves.

Please share these:

Perl School: Modern Perl for Non-Perl Programmers
Sat, 6 October, 10:00
Campus London
Tutor: Dave Cross

An introduction to Perl for programmers who don't use Perl (or don't use much Perl).

Perl has come a long way in the last ten years. It has web frameworks, a powerful ORM, a huge number of add-on libraries and one of the most flexible object systems you'll find in any language. And there are plenty of companies in London who use Perl and who are looking for Perl programmers.

Come and see why so many companies rely so heavily on Perl. Find out what makes Perl programmers so productive.

Perl author and trainer Dave Cross introduces Perl in a low cost training course that is tailored for people who have used other programming languages.

Tickets from http://perlschool2.eventbrite.co.uk/


Regular Expressions Training Course - full day tutorial by Damian Conway
Thursday 11th October 2012
Venue: Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London WC1B 5BB
Tutor: Damian Conway

Description: This full day tutorial introduces beginner and intermediate programmers to the full functionality of Perl's regular expressions (and hence to the general behaviour of the Perl-compatible, or POSIX-ERE, regular expressions that are used in most other programming languages, editors, and developer tools as well).

The morning sessions will focus on the underlying theory and the core features of Perl's pattern matching, thereby exploring the principles and mechanisms underlying all regular expressions.

You'll see how the highly compact syntax of patterns actually programs a built-in “text-recognition engine”, and you'll learn how to design and construct regexes to drive that engine efficiently. By lunch time, regular expressions will no longer seem like a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in line-noise.

In the afternoon we'll look at some of the newer and more powerful features of Perl regular expressions, such as code embedding, recursive matching, named subrules, and backtracking control. These high-end features are not well covered in most textbooks or classes, yet understanding and being able to apply them is essential when dealing with large, real world data sets.

By the end of the day, you will no longer have to “cross your fingers” when using pattern matching, and will have gained the necessary understanding to start actively engineering regular expressions that are both correct and efficient.

More Information: http://www.flossuk.org/Events/Regex2012


Presentation Skills Training Course - full day tutorial by Damian Conway
Friday 12th October 2012
Venue: Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London WC1B 5BB
Tutor: Damian Conway

Description: The best and most effective presentations capture the audience quickly, hold their interest effortlessly, educate and entertain them in equal measure, and sometimes even inspire them.

This class explores simple and effective techniques for achieving those goals in any kind of presentation.

The first half of the class focuses on preparation, content selection, visual design, delivery, handling questions and effective techniques for presenting various kinds of technical information (code, data, statistics, charts, structure diagrams etc.)

The second half of the course is an in-depth tutorial on improving the 'look and feel' of presentation materials – especially Powerpoint/Keynote/Impress presentations. In particular, it demonstrates practical techniques for making your slides not suck!

More Information: http://www.flossuk.org/Events/PresentationSkillsOct2012


Perl School: Object Oriented Programming with Perl and Moose
Sat, 8 Dec, 10:00 - 17:00
Campus London
Tutor: Dave Cross

Moose is fast becoming the standard way to write object oriented code in Perl. Moose is powerful and flexible. It makes writing object oriented Perl far easier than it has ever been before.

This low-cost, one-day training course explains what Moose is and how it will help you write better object oriented Perl. It is aimed at programmers who know Perl but who might not have kept up to date with some of the most recent Perl tools.

By the end of the day, attendees will be understand the power of Moose and will be able to use it to build complex object systems.

Tickets from http://perlschool3.eventbrite.co.uk/

Mark Keating BA (Hons), Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder.
Managing Director: http://www.shadow.cat
For more that I do visit: http://www.mdk.me

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