Quoting William Blunn <bill+london...@blunn.org>:

So I was wondering if there was a known good Perl syntax highligher. All suggestions gratefully received; suggestions of the form "FooHighLight version >= 2.71828" score bonus points.

I don't know about "known good", but here's what I use in various places.

On blogs.perl.org (Movable Type) we use a GCPrettify plugin[1] which is a wrapper around prettify.js[2].

On Perlhacks[3] (Wordpress), I use a plugin called Syntax Highlighter for WordPress[4] which is a wrapper around SyntaxHighlighter[5].

On my code web site[6] I use something I hacked together using PPI::HTML[7]. I should see if enough of that is useful enough to publish it somewhere.

I'm not sure if any of these solutions fix your specific issues.



[1] https://github.com/movabletype/mt-plugin-gcprettify
[2] http://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/
[3] http://perlhacks.com/
[4] http://wppluginsj.sourceforge.jp/syntax-highlighter/
[5] http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/
[6] See e.g. http://code.mag-sol.com/Array-Compare/dist/lib/Array/Compare.pm
[7] https://metacpan.org/module/PPI::HTML

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