Is there a mail list to know about these event more in advance in the

*Dr Manuel Corpas *
Plant and Animal Genomes Project Leader
The Genome Analysis Centre | Norwich Research Park | Norwich | UK

Tel:  +44 1603 450 095
Fax: +44 1603 450 021
  <> <!/manuelcorpas>

On 26 October 2012 10:33, Ian Norton <> wrote:

> This might be of interest to some in London!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jane Morrison <>
> Date: 26 October 2012 10:22
> Subject: UKUUG: [UKUUG-Announce] UKUUG - FLOSS UK - Un-Conference -
> Tomorrow! -     London
> To:
> Still time to register and attend......
> FLOSS UK unconference hosted by BCS Open Source SG (OSSG)
> Saturday 27th October 2012
> Venue: BCS, 5 Southampton Street, London WC2E 7HA
> Book online (free, but registration required for refreshments and lunch
> numbers) -
> See map and travel information at:
> guide.pdf
> On Twitter? We have an event on lanyrd.
> This is our third un-conference and is very kindly being hosted by BCS
> What is an unconference?
> An unconference is a conference where what happens is organised by the
> delegates on the day. The event organisers have to arrange something, the
> main
> one being a venue, but the rest is down to the delegates.  So all the
> hassle
> of talk submissions, review and scheduling is taken away.
> Typically at the start of the day everyone gets up in turn and says who
> they
> are, what their interests are and what they'd like to do based on this
> people
> write proposals on PostIt notes and stick these on a board a moderator may
> read out the proposals in turn to gauge interest, and if sufficient the
> proposal
> will be put on a scheduling board delegates may adjust the schedule to
> avoid
> clashes, etc.
> The unconference starts…
> Experience shows that the unconference format results in high quality
> sessions
> focussed on what delegates want.
> There is no charge to attend but donations (on the door) will be accepted
> to
> help fund the event. Everyone should be able to afford to come, and as it
> is a
> one-day event you will not need to incur accommodation costs, though
> several
> hotels are nearby for anyone who wishes to stay over.
> Refreshments and lunch will be provided.
> Why attend?
> There are lots of reasons to attend the FLOSS UK Unconference 2012,
> including:
> Keep abreast with new/emerging technologies
> Network with some of the people who are responsible for developing critical
> applications
> Become part of the UK Open Source community - build up informal
> relationships
> that can be invaluable in problem solving
> Benefit from the experience of delegates with similar interests
> --
> FLOSS UK Secretariat
> PO Box 37
> Buntingford
> Herts SG9 9UQ
> Tel: 01763 273475
> Fax: 01763 273255
> A Company Limited by Guarantee
> Registered Office:
> The Manor House
> Buntingford
> Herts SG9 9AB
> Reg. No. 2506680
> _______________________________________________
> Announce mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> Council mailing list
> --
> Ian Norton
> Co-Leader North West England Perl Mongers (
> )
> Member of The Perl Foundation Marketing Committee
> (
> Member of FLOSS UK Council (

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