Quoting Abigail <abig...@abigail.be>:

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 05:29:29PM +0000, Dave Cross wrote:
At the LPW on Saturday I'm giving a talk entitled "25 Years of Perl".

I have the structure of the talk, and I have worked out most of the
things that I want to cover. But I wanted to make sure that I didn't
miss anything important.

So I thought I'd turn to the london.pm hivemind. What parts of Perl's
history do you think are important. I'm particularly interested in two

1/ Technical

What CPAN modules deserve to be mentioned as part of Perl's history?
Which Perl infrastructure projects are (or were) important? Are there
any other technical things that need to be covered?

While not a CPAN module, Matt's script archive needs to be mentioned.
Althought it contained a lot of bad code, it certainly contributed to
the notion that Perl was *the* web language.

I has already swallowed my pride and added Matt's scripts to the list :-/

2/ Community

What community initiatives should I cover? Can I mention TPI without
giving some people nightmares? How much detail can I cover about Perl
Mongers? Which conferences deserve a mention? Does anyone remember how
and when YAS became TPF?

Conferences that need mentioning: TPC, German Perl Workshop (first Perl
conference outside of TPC), YAPC, OSCON. And, considering where
you're going to give the presentation: LPW. 2000 may be an interesting
year: at YAPC::NA 19100, we saw the birth of YAS, the Perl 6 movement
started at TPC 2000, and the first non-NA YAPC was held in London.

Yep. Got all of those. Need to check the date of the first German Perl Workshop - but I know that's on their web site.

It's slightly unfortunate that I've only been involved with Perl for
about 60% of its lifetime. So anything you can share from the first ten
years or so of Perl's existence would be *really* appreciated.

I started using Perl in 1995, when the main focus on the community was
on Usenet. At that time, it was just comp.lang.perl; the split into
multiple groups was either late 1995, or early 1996. I first joined a
Perl IRC channel in 1997, but I don't know when that channel started.
But it was this channel that made YAPC happen (well, it was Kevin that
did the work, but if it wasn't for the IRC channel, there would not have
been demand, or participants for the first YAPC).

Interesting. I can't remember when I first joined a Perl IRC channel. Maybe 1998/9.

I would love to hear your presentation, unfortunally, I couldn't get a
trip to LPW funded.

That's a shame. I don't know whether it'll be filmed. Perhaps I'll put together a screencast later on.


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