> From: James Laver james.la...@gmail.com
> https://picasaweb.google.com/104598318166622233830/LondonPerlConference24112012?authuser=0&feat=directlink#5814779230205261074
> Not entirely flattering. You must have picked a hell of a moment.

> From: Pedro Figueiredo m...@pedrofigueiredo.org
> No, this is a hell of a moment:
> https://picasaweb.google.com/104598318166622233830/LondonPerlConference24112012#5814779296635010610

We honour all requests from people photographed who want their photographs 
taken down. I would suggest private emails rather than to the list...

Photographing conferences has distinct challenges, particularly when people are 
either not presenting or only presenting for a minute or two.

> From: William Blunn <bill+london...@blunn.org>
> And again; this time without the Redmond-crapware-induced spurious 
> linebreak:
> https://picasaweb.google.com/104598318166622233830/LondonPerlConference24112012?authuser=0&feat=directlink

I sent the email from outlook (I usually just use the hotmail web interface 
with "Plain text" turned on). I will have to bare this in mind too for future 


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