OK, that's cool.

I got pinged by an Indian perl dev on Linkedin about visas
and "getting out there" was one of my later recommendations.

On 28 Nov 2012, at 15:37, Andrew Shitov <a...@shitov.ru> wrote:

> I hope there will be more information after we launch the site for the
> YAPC::Europe 2013. We plan to have attendees from the SAN programme in
> Kiev.
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:07 PM, DAVID HODGKINSON <daveh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is it dead? It seems to be 2011 right now. Which I don't mind,
>> it was a pretty good year.
>> http://www.send-a-newbie.enlightenedperl.org/applications.html
> -- 
> Andrew Shitov
> ______________________________________________________________________
> a...@shitov.ru | http://shitov.ru

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