On 12/12/2012 07:12 AM, Leon Brocard wrote:
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 02:29:24AM -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
i can't say much about this but you have to look at the code here.


I congratulate Alexej on joining the CPAN authors club. Instead of making fun
of him on a mailing list why not engage with him and help him improve?

look at his early rt ticket replies. and i did engage him and admonish his attitude. his reply was more normal but he still thinks his code is doing something useful and even correct. i will point him in better directions later today.

but he should be learning basic perl on his own box and wait for publishing until he has something to show. what is up there is very broken ('#' is false in his world) and he doesn't know it.


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