It seems this guy is sticking up for himself following the regular LPM taunts. Shouldn't most of you now follow up with more nastiness, some insults in ASCII art, then when he gives anything back kick him from the list? As far as I've experienced, this is how you do things.

After all, only the cabal should be really be coding Perl. Anyone new to Perl should be an instant expert, or at the very least, bend over and hand the lube to the nearest cabeller.

Then later you should have some threads on why more new people aren't coming to Perl and this community, and how you can't really understand why they wouldn't.


On 12/12/2012 17:21, Alexej Magura wrote:
As for my rt replies, what did you expect I was gonna say: 'Oh, my bad I
wrote the worst module in the world and you're the king of all; here let me
just remove it real quick.'?  Think again.

*When I call `true()` I get `undef` back (or empty list in list context).
It should return `"i should stop uploading useless modules"` instead.*
Is not a valid bug ticket, and it is not remotely funny.  Imagine how all
of you would feel if you had just signed up for Cpan because you thought it
would be neat to be helpful and contribute something to the perl community
only to have the entire community turn on you.  So much for "There's more
than one way to do it." (Perl's motto) More like "If you don't get it right
the first time, never try again."

Since I joined Cpan, I've only received one bug ticket that was actually
helpful, and I've received four total, to my knowledge.

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Alexej Magura <> wrote:

Okay, allow me to clarify what the TrueFalse module that I wrote is trying
to emulate.  It's trying to emulate the 'true' and 'false' user commands
available under Linux.

Haven't you ever done something like this in Unix Shell?

while true; do ls /var/log/; sleep 5s; clear; done

The statment 'true' in this example, as far as I know, only returns true
and that's it.  It may not look very useful, but it can be useful when
you just need to do something and just want to write 'Just because I
said so, keep doing A until I say stop.'

I'm sorry if all of you think that my modules are poorly written, but if
you want me to take you seriously, then say something productive for a
change, that is make some suggestions (I'm open to suggestions.)

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