On 31/01/13 11:12, David Cantrell wrote:
I am most disappointed to find that if you put a blessed sub-ref in the
symbol table and then replace it, its DESTROY method doesn't get called
straight away:

package Immortal;

sub new { return bless sub { print "called the object\n" }, shift; }
sub DESTROY { print "called DESTROY\n"; }

$ perl -MImmortal -e '*Foo::bar = Immortal->new(); Foo::bar(); *Foo::bar = sub {print 
"blargh\n"}; Foo::bar();'
called the object
called DESTROY

looks like the blessed sub continues to exist right to the end of the
process, even though all references to it have gone away.  Is this a bug?

It seems to work the same way with SCALAR refs, but not with HASH refs. It implies a memory leak, which should certainly be considered a bug.

$ perl -Mstrict -wE 'sub Foo::DESTROY { say "Goodbye, cruel world" }; *foo = do { bless \(my $msg = "Message one"), "Foo" }; say $::foo; *foo = do { bless \(my $msg = "Message two"), "Foo" }; say $::foo;'
Message one
Message two
Goodbye, cruel world
Goodbye, cruel world

$ perl -Mstrict -wE 'sub Foo::DESTROY { say "Goodbye, cruel world" }; *foo = bless {msg => "Message one" }, "Foo"; say $::foo{msg}; *foo = bless { msg => "Message two" }, "Foo"; say $::foo{msg}'
Message one
Goodbye, cruel world
Message two
Goodbye, cruel world


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