I spent five minutes I didn't have reading that page and it seems the proposer wants to disambiguate Perl to follow the example of the German Wikipedia site.

Something I found interesting in their discussion:

"It is possible that Perl became less of the duct tape of the internet because of JavaScript."

Didn't know Perl ever competed with Javascript?

I am going to rename myself Perl and do something extraordinary to create a need for disambiguation...I might eat 10 potatoes while doing a head stand.


On 19/03/13 17:19, Dave Cross wrote:
Quoting Richard Foley <richard.fo...@rfi.net>:

We need people with voting facilities (accounts) on Wikipedia to vot up Perl.

The proposal here seems to be to rename the Wikipedia article "Perl" to "Perl (Programming Language)".

I don't agree with the proposal. If there's no need for disambiguation then none should be used.


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