Dear All,

A couple of weeks ago we launched the Perl Academy,

Where I went along with Brad Haywood into London Met Uni and spoke about 
Recruitment into Perl and then Brad did a technical talk.
We were delighted to have 30 attendees to this and even more excited when 18 
people showed interest in  attending a Workshop we are putting on which Dave 
Cross will teach on, which
Is taking place on Saturday April 20th

What I need from the Community is a couple of remote mentors who are either 
happy to speak on the phone with these students or via email.

The long term aim is to get the students into either internships or perm grad 
placements - hopefully then we will have the next generation of Perl developers

If anyone can help please get in touch 0208 944 4187 /<>

P.s - I said at the London Perl Workshop that as a recruiter I would write some 
code, although it was just "hello world" I did write some code - And intend to 
continue with it !! Someone has very kindly agreed to teach me.


Perl Specialist Recruitment Consultant
DL: 0208 944 4187 | SW: 0208 944 4180 |F: 0208 946 6299
Barry House, 20/22 Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 4DH|<|><> |
Proud to be a Sponsor of The Perl QA Hackathon 2013
Proud to be a Sponsor of YAPC::2013
Proud Sponsors of The London Perl Workshop 2012

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