Quoting "Th. J. van Hoesel" <th.j.v.hoe...@gmail.com>:


As agreed upon with Dave Cross, I would make some really cool changes to his module Number::Fraction - I as former math teacher love fraction.

However, can someone point me out what is happening between lines 132 and 144 of Fraction.pm ? This part is the neatest part of the module, where it enables the module to use constants in your Perl programs.

Here's the code on github:


And here's the relevant section of the overload.pm documentation:


my %_const_handlers =
  (q => sub { return __PACKAGE__->new($_[0]) || $_[1] });

This defines a subroutine that Perl will use to parse any quoted strings. If Number::Fraction->new can construct an object out of them, it will. Otherwise new() returns false and the original string is used instead.

=head2 import

Called when module is C<use>d. Use to optionally install constant


sub import {
  overload::constant %_const_handlers if $_[1] and $_[1] eq ':constants';

And this installs the constant handler if the module is used with the correct argument (use Number::Fraction ':constants').

Should really give users the option to uninstall that handler too, I guess.



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