On 03/07/2014 03:57 AM, Damian Conway wrote:
how did you convince or blackmail damian to be in oslo in march?!
about 10 years ago i produced his training in boston in february and
he was frozen to icicles

The explanation is pretty straight-forward:

     Average temperature in Oslo in March: +4 Celsius
     Average temperature in Boston in January: +4 Kelvin

And I think it simply *felt* much colder in Boston.
After the nitrogen in the air had liquified.

better that than the 110F you were getting in your current summer. tennis players dropping like flies and major wildfires.

and we like our liquid nitrogen. lotsa fun to play with. ever have a marshmallow quick frozen in it? i had one at the pittsburgh science museum at one of the first 2 yapc's (went with a small group of perlers). the marshmallow was crunchy! it wasn't too cold as the demo person let them warm up a touch. you chewed on it and it melted and stayed crunchy, a most interesting and very memorable experience.

uri, who is looking forward to this spring after a very cold winter

Uri Guttman - The Perl Hunter
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