> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Oct  5 06:33:04 2004
> Subject: LPRng: ifhp 3.5.18 fails all attempts to print with '/usr/ucb/file STDIN -
>  can't stat 'STDIN''
> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 09:29:00 -0400

I am putting out a new version of ifhp with an updated 'configure'
that will check for the correct 'file' behavior.  I will put this
on the web site today:

>From the configure output:

creating libtool
checking for file... /usr/local/bin/file
/dev/stdin: ASCII text
the '/usr/local/bin/file -'  operates correctly

> Patrick,
> I sent this to the list yesterday, but it has not yet appeared. So I'm
> sending it to you.
> Thanks - Justus Addiss
> __________________
> I just downloaded ifhp 3.5.18. It compiled fine, but when I run it I only
> get a sheet with an error message. The culprit appears to be that it's
> calling the "file" utility with the argument 'STDIN' which causes 'file' to
> fail and then the conversion code fails to find a match on "can't stat
> 'STDIN'" (the output of the 'file' command).
> The log has this to say:
> Make_stdin_file: input is_file 1, size 3080 at 13:19:01.713
> Fix_option_str: escape at '\%s{inputfile}', '%' at 13:19:01.713
> Find_sub_value: type '{', id 'inputfile' at 13:19:01.713
> Find_sub_value: InputFile 'STDIN' at 13:19:01.713
> Fix_option_str: using fmt '%s', type 's', value 'STDIN' at 13:19:01.713
> Fix_option_str: fixing value 'STDIN' at 13:19:01.713
> Fix_option_str: returning 'STDIN' at 13:19:01.713
> Fix_option_str: fixed value 'STDIN' at 13:19:01.713
> Fix_option_str: returning '/usr/local/bin/file STDIN' at 13:19:01.713
> Send_job: foomatic 0 at 13:19:01.713
> Init_outbuf: Outbuf 0x14001a000, Outmax 10240, Outlen 0 at 13:19:01.713
> Send_job: want 64 at 13:19:01.714
> Send_job: read 64 from stdin '!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "#$%&'()' at 13:19:01.714
> Send_job: file_util_path '/usr/local/bin/file STDIN' at 13:19:01.714
> Use_file_util: pgm '/usr/local/bin/file STDIN', value_len 512 at 13:19:01.714
> Use_file_util: file program = '/usr/local/bin/file STDIN' at 13:19:01.714
> Make_tempfile: tempfile 'ifhpXXXXXX' at 13:19:01.714
> Make_tempfile: new tempfile 'ifhpFBcrQB', fd 4 at 13:19:01.717
> Filter_file: pgm '/usr/local/bin/file STDIN', title 'FILE_UTIL', stdin 0, stdout 4 
> at 13:19:01.717
> Split_cmd_line_OBJ: line '/usr/local/bin/file STDIN' at 13:19:01.717
> Split_cmd_line_OBJ - OBJ_T_LIST len 2 at 13:19:01.717
>  [0]  '/usr/local/bin/file'  at 13:19:01.717
>  [1]  'STDIN'  at 13:19:01.717
>  [2]  0x0 at 13:19:01.717
> Filter_file: process args - OBJ_T_LIST len 2 at 13:19:01.717
>  [0]  '/usr/local/bin/file'  at 13:19:01.717
>  [1]  'STDIN'  at 13:19:01.717
>  [2]  0x0 at 13:19:01.717
> Filter_file: started FILE_UTIL- 'file' at 13:19:01.718
> Filter_file: converter pid 21668, exit 'exit status 0' at 13:19:01.736
> Use_file_util: read 55, 'STDIN: can't stat `STDIN' (No such file or directory).
> ' at 13:19:01.737
> Use_file_util: file information = 'can't_stat_`stdin'_(no_such_file_or_directory).' 
> at 13:19:01.737
> Use_file_util: file util done, 'can't_stat_`stdin'_(no_such_file_or_directory).' at 
> 13:19:01.737
> Init_outbuf: Outbuf 0x14001a000, Outmax 10240, Outlen 64 at 13:19:01.737
> Send_job: initial job type 'can't_stat_`stdin'_(no_such_file_or_directory).', size 
> 3080 at 13:19:01.737
> Any ideas on how to fix this?
> Thanks - Justus Addiss
> j-j-a-d-d-i-s-s-A-T-m-m-m-.-c-o-m

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