FYI – Please consider volunteering for NOMCOM.


Begin forwarded message:
From: NomCom Chair 2020 <>
Date: June 10, 2020 at 1:55:21 PM CDT
To: IETF Announcement List <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Nomcom 2020-2021 Second Call For Volunteers
This is the second sending of the call for volunteers for the 2020-2021 NomCom.

I wanted to mention a few updates from the previous email (sent 2 weeks ago):
- I've fixed the URL at the bottom of the email to point to
  instead of /2019/. This was a test to see if anyone was paying attention. 
Apparently, some people were. ;)
- The IETF 108 registration form includes a checkbox that will let you 
volunteer. You can use this instead of emailing me, when you register for IETF 
- I currently have 39 volunteers. Last year had 149. I need more volunteers!
The IETF NomCom appoints people to fill the open slots on the LLC, IETF Trust, 
the IAB, and the IESG.

Ten voting members for the NomCom are selected in a verifiably random way from 
a pool of volunteers. The more volunteers, the better chance we have of 
choosing a random yet representative cross section of the IETF population.

The details of the operation of the NomCom can be found in BCP 10 (RFC 8713). 
RFC 3797 details the selection algorithm.

Special for this year (and only this year), we also have RFC 8788 (one-off 
update to RFC 8713 / BCP 10) to tell us who is eligible to volunteer:

     Members of the IETF community must have attended at least three of
     the last five in-person IETF meetings in order to volunteer.

     The five meetings are the five most recent in-person meetings that
     ended prior to the date on which the solicitation for NomCom
     volunteers was submitted for distribution to the IETF community.
     Because no IETF 107 in-person meeting was held, for the 2020-2021
     Nominating Committee those five meetings are IETFs
       102 [Montreal, Canada; July 2018],
       103 [Bangkok, Thailand; November 2018],
       104 [Prague, Czech Republic; March 2019],
       105 [Montreal, Canada; July 2019], and
       106 [Singapore; November 2019].

Keep in mind that eligibility is based on in-person attendance at the five 
listed meetings. You can check your eligibility at:

If you qualify, please volunteer. Before you decide to volunteer, please 
remember that anyone appointed to this NomCom will not be considered as a 
candidate for any of the positions that the 2020 - 2021 NomCom is responsible 
for filling.

People commonly volunteer by ticking the box on IETF registration forms. The 
IETF 106 form did not ask whether people were willing to volunteer. IETF 107 
did ask, but all those registrations were canceled. I have asked the 
Secretariat if it is possible to get the list if volunteers from canceled IETF 
107 registrations. If that list is available, I will contact all who are 
verified as eligible. But given the uncertainty of this process, I would 
encourage people to volunteer directly (see the bottom of this email for 
instructions). Thank you for volunteering!

The list of people and posts whose terms end with the March 2021 IETF meeting, 
and thus the positions for which this NomCom is responsible, are

IETF Trust:
   Joel Halpern

   Maja Andjelkovic

   Jari Arkko
   Jeff Tantsura
   Mark Nottingham
   Stephen Farrell
   Wes Hardaker
   Zhenbin Li

   Alissa Cooper, IETF Chair/GEN AD
   Alvaro Retana, RTG AD
   Barry Leiba, ART AD
   Deborah Brungard, RTG AD
   Éric Vyncke, INT AD
   Magnus Westerlund, TSV AD
   Roman Danyliw, SEC AD
   Warren Kumari, OPS AD

All appointments are for 2 years. The Routing area has 3 ADs and the General 
area has 1; all other areas have 2 ADs. Thus, all areas (that have more than 
one AD) have at least one continuing AD.

The primary activity for this NomCom will begin in July 2020 and should be 
completed in January 2021.  The NomCom will have regularly scheduled conference 
calls to ensure progress. There will be activities to collect requirements from 
the community, review candidate questionnaires, review feedback from community 
members about candidates, and talk to candidates.

While being a NomCom member does require some time commitment it is also a very 
rewarding experience.

As a member of the NomCom it is very important that you be willing and able to 
attend either videoconference or in-person meetings (which may not happen) 
during 14-20 November (IETF 109 - Bangkok) to conduct interviews. 
Videoconference attendance will be supported whether or not there are in-person 
meetings. Orientation and setting of the NomCom schedule will be done by 
videoconference during the week 20-24 July (exact time and date to be 
determined after NomCom membership is finalized on July 12), the week prior to 
IETF 108.  Being at IETF 110 (Prague) is not essential.

Please volunteer by sending me an email before 23:59 UTC June 24, 2020, as 

Subject: NomCom 2020-21 Volunteer

Please include the following information in the email body:

Your Full Name:
   // as you write it on the IETF registration form

Current Primary Affiliation:
   // Typically what goes in the Company field
   // in the IETF Registration Form

  // All email addresses used to register for the past 5 IETF meetings
  // Preferred email address first

   // For confirmation if selected

You should expect an email response from me within 5 business days stating 
whether or not you are qualified.  If you don't receive this response, please 
re-send your email with the tag "RESEND"" added to the subject line.

If you are not yet sure if you would like to volunteer, please consider that 
NomCom members play a very important role in shaping the leadership of the 
IETF.  Questions by email or voice are welcome. Volunteering for the NomCom is 
a great way to contribute to the IETF!

You can find a detailed timeline on the NomCom web site at:

I will be publishing a more detailed target timetable, as well as details of 
the randomness seeds to be used for the RFC 3797 selection process, within the 
next few weeks.

Thank you!

Barbara Stark
bs7652 at att dot com
nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org
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