
On 03/10/2020 02:14, Gyan Mishra wrote:

Hi  Jeff

From a domain perspective where you have a group of nodes and associated IP addressed and SID are part of a discrete underlay instance flex algo topology.  On those same set of nodes you could have another topology and associated address and SIDs for a different flex algo.

above is right.

How this would work is that the topologies would have to be segregated from each other as different MT instances or routing process instances.  Is that correct?

no MT at all. You can think of each flex-algo as a set of constraints that is used to calculate the path over the common topology. You can have many such felx-algos running on a common topology.

Can two nodes that run two different flex algo become ospf or isis neighbors?



Kind Regards


On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 6:25 PM Jeff Tantsura < <>> wrote:

    Hi Yingzhen,

    Yes, that’s the case.  The most important property of an algo
    computed path is that is has to be consecutive, as either SID or IP
    address associated with a particular topology is only known within
    that topology.

    Looking specifically at Ron’s draft (MPLS could be more complex due
    to potential hierarchy) - the prefix itself defines the
    context(topology) and must be globally unique, since IPv4 header
    can’t have any additional meta-data attached.



    On Oct 2, 2020, 1:15 PM -0700, Yingzhen Qu
    < <>>, wrote:

    Hi Peter,

    My understanding of flex-algo is that for traffic destined to a
    prefix on a particular algo, it can only be routed on routers
    belong to that algo, which also means only routers in that algo
    calculates how to reach that prefix and install it into the
    routing table. It seems to me that using flex-algo (section 12 of
    the draft) it's possible to have a loopback address associated
    with only one algo, please correct me if I'm missing or
    misunderstood something.



    On 10/2/20, 9:43 AM, "Lsr on behalf of Peter Psenak"
    < <> on behalf of
    <>> wrote:


    On 02/10/2020 18:30, Gyan Mishra wrote:


    With SRv6 and IP based flex algo a generic question as it applies to

    both. Is it possible to have within a single IGP domain different

    of nodes or segments of the network running different algorithms.



    both drafts it sounds like all nodes have to agree on same algorithm

    similar to concept of metric and reference bandwidth all have to have

    the same style metric and play to the same sheet of music.

    all participating nodes need to agree on the definition of the

    and advertise the participation. That's it.

    If there was

    a way to use multiple algorithms simultaneously based on SFC or

    and instantiation of specific algorithm based on service to be

    rendered. Doing so without causing a routing loop or sub optimal


    you can certainly use multiple algorithms simultaneously and use algo

    specific paths to forward specific traffic over it. How that is done

    from the forwarding perspective depends in which forwarding plane you

    use. Flex-algo control plane is independent of the forwarding plane.

    I thought with flex algo that there exists a feature that on

    each hop there is a way to specify which algo to use hop by hop

    to a hop by hop policy based routing.

    no, there is no hop-by-hop classification, that is problematic and

    not scale for high speeds. Classification is done at the ingress only.




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*Gyan Mishra*

/Network Solutions A//rchitect /

/M 301 502-1347
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/Silver Spring, MD

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