Eric –

Always appreciate the time reviewers put in – so apologies if my response came 
off as an overreaction.

As you understood that OSPF addresses backwards compatibility by ignoring 
unknown TLVs I wanted to emphasize that IS-IS has the same policy.

As regards the section on backwards compatibility, Peter has already suggested 
some text that seems to do what you have suggested. I am sure you will let him 
know if it is adequate.

I do understand that the compatibility concerns have to do with networks where 
some nodes support the new functionality and some don’t. But I think the real 
deployment issue is not “compatibility” but that in order for algo specific 
forwarding to work you must have a connected sub-topology of routers that 
support the desired algo. I would not use the term “compatibility” to describe 
that – but if we understand each other then we can leave it at that.


From: Eric Gray <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:39 PM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>;;
Subject: RE: Rtg-Dir Last Call review of draft-ietf-lsr-flex-algo


              Thanks for your helpful feedback on my minor comments.

              I think you may have misunderstood my comments.

              I do not have concerns about backward compatibility with respect 
to the flex-algo ID.

              What I was making a minor comment on was the dismissive approach 
the draft takes with respect to concerns about backward compatibility.

              It simply says that this draft does not introduce any new 
backward compatibility issues – which, going back to when IDs used to say 
pretty much the same thing about Security, is often not quite good enough.

              I feel the draft would make a better RFC if it said just a bit 
more about why the new TLV(s) and Sub-TLVs do not introduce backward 
compatibility issues.  It could even summarize how the extensions in this draft 
are (or are not) impacted by deployment in an environment where not all routers 
are able to participate in any specific flex-algorithm.

              For example, your own statement about why it is not an issue with 
IS-IS would be a useful addition to the section on backward compatibility.

              Maybe you and others disagree that this is useful, and that’s 
fine with me.

              I am happy to take your word for it about configuration, though I 
suspect that you also missed the point I was making about that specific aspect 
of compatibility of newer nodes (that can participate in a flex-algorithm) with 
others (that cannot – likely including existing and deployed routers).

              This point is not very important, so the authors can address it 
any way they want (including doing nothing at all).

              I see these reviews as an opportunity to improve our work, and 
have no other personal investment in my comments.


From: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) 
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2020 3:59 PM
To: Eric Gray <<>>;<>;<>
Subject: RE: Rtg-Dir Last Call review of draft-ietf-lsr-flex-algo
Importance: High

Eric –

I will let the draft authors respond to the bulk of your comments. But in 
regards to your question/comment:

“I assume (but do not actually know) that a similar situation exists for the 
new ISIS FAD Sub-TLV of the existing TLV Type 242 - i.e. - ISIS presumably has 
well defined handling for sub-TLVs (of at least type 242) that are not 
recognized.  If so, than the new Sub-TLV types defined are also not an issue.”

Indeed, base behavior for the IS-IS protocol as defined in ISO 10589 is to 
ignore unrecognized TLVs - and this extends to unrecognized sub-TLVs as well. 
This is key to the ability to introduce the many extensions that have been 
defined by the plethora of IS-IS RFCs over the last 20+ years.
This point is further discussed in the recently published:<>

So I think your concerns about backwards compatibility are unwarranted. In 
particular the statement:

“[backwards compatibility] apparently relies on configuration of those routers 
that _do_ support the extensions to address this”

Is not correct.


From: rtg-dir <<>> On 
Behalf Of Eric Gray
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2020 11:49 AM
Subject: [RTG-DIR] Rtg-Dir Last Call review of draft-ietf-lsr-flex-algo


I have been selected as the Routing Directorate reviewer for this draft. The 
Routing Directorate seeks to review all routing or routing-related drafts as 
they pass through IETF last call and IESG review, and sometimes on special 
request. The purpose of the review is to provide assistance to the Routing ADs. 
For more information about the Routing Directorate, please see

Although these comments are primarily for the use of the Routing ADs, it would 
be helpful if you could consider them along with any other IETF Last Call 
comments that you receive, and strive to resolve them through discussion or by 
updating the draft.

Document: draft-ietf-lsr-flex-algo-12.txt

Reviewer: Eric Gray

Review Date: 16 October, 2020

IETF LC End Date: Unknown

Intended Status: Standards Track


This document is well organized, relatively easy to read, and probably ready 
for publication, but has one potential minor issue and a very small number of 
NITs that might be considered prior to publication.

Major Issues:


Minor Issues:

The statement in section 15 (Backward Compatibility) - "This extension brings 
no new backward compatibility issues" - seems somewhat flip.

I suspect that a tiny bit of analysis would not hurt.

The extensions in this draft are clearly intended to work in an environment 
where routers that _do_not_ support these extensions are also deployed, but 
apparently relies on configuration of those routers that _do_ support the 
extensions to address this.

That seems correct.

From my reading of the draft (which I have not closely followed for its entire 
development), while it introduces at least one new TLV, the OSPF routing 
protocol has well defined handling for TLVs that are not understood - hence the 
introduction of one or more new TLVs should not present a problem in OSPF.

Obviously Sub-TLVs of the new OSPF TLV type will not introduce compatibility 

I assume (but do not actually know) that a similar situation exists for the new 
ISIS FAD Sub-TLV of the existing TLV Type 242 - i.e. - ISIS presumably has well 
defined handling for sub-TLVs (of at least type 242) that are not recognized.  
If so, than the new Sub-TLV types defined are also not an issue.

Shouldn't this section say something along these lines?  I suspect that it 
would be more helpful if verifying the content of the "considerations" sections 
were not left as an exercise for the reader.  😊


In the Introduction, the phrase "must often be replaced" seems very slightly 
problematic (especially given this is a standards track RFC wanna-be).  Would 
it be better to say "is often replaced" instead?

In section 17.1.2 and 17.2 - '... a "Interior Gateway ...' should probably be 
'... an "Interior Gateway ..." in both cases.


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