Shraddha -

Thanx for the responses.

Please see inline.

From: Shraddha Hegde <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2020 9:30 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>;
Subject: RE: New Version Notification for draft-white-lsr-distoptflood-00.txt

Hi Les,

Thanks for the review and comments.
Pls see inline for replies.

Juniper Business Use Only
From: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) 
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 11:44 AM
To: Shraddha Hegde <<>>;<>
Subject: RE: New Version Notification for draft-white-lsr-distoptflood-00.txt

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

Draft authors -

I note that as the draft has evolved over the years a number of mechanisms have 
been removed (revised adjacency formation and auto tier detection) and the 
draft now focuses exclusively on flooding optimizations.

The draft now also references the recent work done in 

A couple of things are not clear to me.

1)Is it your intent to use the mechanisms defined in 
draft-ietf-lsr-dynamic-flooding? I am specifically - though not exclusively - 
referring to how flooding adapts to topology changes.

It isn't clear from Section 3 whether you are actually intending to use the 
mechanisms defined in<*section-6.8__;Iw!!NEt6yMaO-gk!VproGis8uUGmcl-cCplFMwuNceAo-3roUZT7ZdTlwvY7nJSszUo9AeWXymgguZIt$>
 or whether you simply want to use the Flooding sub-TLV defined in 
draft-ietf-lsr-dynamic-flooding to (optionally??) advertise your algorithm and 
all other procedures are specific to your algorithm.

<Shraddha> We want to use the " IS-IS Dynamic Flooding Sub-TLV" defined in sec 
5.1.2 of the lsr-dynamic-flooding draft just to flood the information
that nodes support the algorithm specified in draft-white-lsr-distoptflood. I 
agree it's not writen very well. I'll update that section in next version.

2)The text at the end of<*section-2.1__;Iw!!NEt6yMaO-gk!VproGis8uUGmcl-cCplFMwuNceAo-3roUZT7ZdTlwvY7nJSszUo9AeWXyucq9YRN$>

" LSPs transmitted to adjacent

   neighbors on the DNR list, however, MUST be transmitted using a

   circuit scope PDU as described in [RFC7356]."

Although this text is not new to this revision, it raises a number of 
questions/concerns - some of which relate to how this draft fits with 

For "DNR neighbors", although a circuit scoped LSP was received, the actual 
content is a traditional area scoped LSP.

<Shraddha> yes.

This presumably needs to be used internally (e.g., when running the Decision 
Process) in the same way as an area scoped LSP.

<Shraddha> yes.

So there are now two internal databases (traditional area LSPs and Circuit 
Scoped LSPs) which have to be used as if they are a single database?

<Shraddha> Yes that is correct

When a node sends a traditional CSNP does it include the LSPs it received as 
Circuit-Scoped LSPs?

If not, how is resynchronization achieved when necessary?

<Shraddha> yes. CSNPs includes circuit scoped LSPs.

Since you raised this point, I am thinking that we need a protocol extension to 
indicate that "this circuit scoped LSP" should be treated

In this special way.

Given the base work defined in draft-ietf-lsr-dynamic-flooding why is the use 
of Circuit Scoped LSPs required/useful?

<Shraddha> I am not sure which base work you are suggesting to use. Could you 
pls provide details?

The flooding algorithm as written in the draft breaks if circuit scoped 
flooding is not done.

Because, the distributed algorithm does not flood the LSP back in the direction 
from where it was originated.

[Les:] If you use the mechanisms defined in draft-ietf-lsr-dynamic-flooding 
there would be no need to use Circuit Scoped Flooding to send normal area 
scoped LSPs.

Each node in the topology would know to which neighbors it should have flooding 
enabled - either because you operate in centralized mode and the Area Leader 
distributes the flooding topology or because you operate in distributed mode 
and all nodes employ the same algorithm. (The latter assumes the algorithm 
supports deterministic choices for each node.) And when topology changes occur 
the mechanisms defined in<*section-6.8__;Iw!!NEt6yMaO-gk!VproGis8uUGmcl-cCplFMwuNceAo-3roUZT7ZdTlwvY7nJSszUo9AeWXymgguZIt$>
 assure that flooding continues to be reliable during the transition period 
(i.e., until a new flooding topology is calculated).

The fact that you apparently do NOT want to use the extensions defined in the 
dynamic-flooding draft means that (as you agree above) you have to introduce 
additional protocol extensions which aren't really necessary. This makes the 
solution much less appealing to me - independent of the merits/demerits of the 
algorithm itself.

The use of Circuit Scoped LSPs to send traditional area scoped LSPs is not at 
all what RFC 7356 intends. And it causes difficulties (as you have noted above) 
in what the content of CSNPs should be and how the different LSPDBs are used 

I really do not like these aspects.

The dynamic flooding draft wasn't in existence when Russ wrote the early 
versions of this draft. I am suggesting you might want to rethink your approach 
to take advantage of what dynamic flooding draft has defined.


In general, it would be helpful to more completely define the relationship 
between this draft and draft-ietf-lsr-dynamic-flooding.

<Shraddha> yes. I'll produce next version soon.



> -----Original Message-----

> From: Lsr <<>> On Behalf Of 
> Shraddha Hegde

> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 8:36 PM

> To:<>

> Subject: [Lsr] FW: New Version Notification for draft-white-lsr-distoptflood-

> 00.txt


> WG members,



> We have posted new version of the draft-white-lsr-distoptflood.

> This draft has been around for sometime by name openfabric and

> draft-white-distoptflood. The current revision has the name changed

> to reflect LSR WG.

> This draft describes a flood reduction mechanism in ISIS which is based on

> similar mechanisms implemented in OSPF for mobile-ad-hoc Networks

> ([RFC5449], [RFC5614], and [RFC7182]).


> Request working group to review and provide inputs.


> Rgds

> Shraddha



> Juniper Business Use Only


> -----Original Message-----

> From:<> 
> <<>>

> Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 9:59 AM

> To: Shraddha Hegde <<>>; Russ 
> White <<>>;

> Shawn Zandi <<>>

> Subject: New Version Notification for draft-white-lsr-distoptflood-00.txt


> [External Email. Be cautious of content]



> A new version of I-D, draft-white-lsr-distoptflood-00.txt

> has been successfully submitted by Shraddha Hegde and posted to the IETF

> repository.


> Name:           draft-white-lsr-distoptflood

> Revision:       00

> Title:          IS-IS Optimal Distributed Flooding for Dense Topologies

> Document date:  2020-11-29

> Group:          Individual Submission

> Pages:          12

> URL:


> lsr-distoptflood-00.txt__;!!NEt6yMaO-<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSEm2FfjO$>

> gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSEm2FfjO<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSEm2FfjO$>

> $<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSEm2FfjO$>

> Status:


> lsr-distoptflood/__;!!NEt6yMaO-<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSC0pwavY$>

> gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSC0pwav<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSC0pwavY$>

> Y$<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSC0pwavY$>

> Htmlized:


> white-lsr-distoptflood__;!!NEt6yMaO-<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSFYebZSl$>

> gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSFYebZSl<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSFYebZSl$>

> $<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSFYebZSl$>

> Htmlized:       

> white-lsr-distoptflood-00__;!!NEt6yMaO-<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSANTt6Q2$>

> gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSANTt6Q<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSANTt6Q2$>

> 2$<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!T5HX4Enn7jt3zwKoZBiA85YlysK0tdcELjk7Fy829PRSockmshBtqxzkSANTt6Q2$>



> Abstract:

>    In dense topologies, such as data center fabrics based on the Clos

>    and butterfly fabric topologies, flooding mechanisms designed for

>    sparse topologies, when used in these dense topologies, can

>    "overflood," or carry too many copies of topology and reachability to

>    fabric devices.  This results in slower convergence times and higher

>    resource utilization.  The modifications to the flooding mechanism in

>    the Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) link state

>    protocol described in this document reduce resource utilization to a

>    minimum, while increaseing convergence performance in dense

>    topologies.


>    Note that a Clos fabric is used as the primary example of a desne

>    flooding topology throughout this document.  However, the flooding

>    optimizations described in this document apply to any dense topology.





> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission

> until the htmlized version and diff are available at


> The IETF Secretariat


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