Speaking as a WG member:

Hi Gyan,

The first question is how do you know which prefixes within the summary range 
to protect? Are these configured? Is this half-assed best-effort protection 
where you protect prefixes within the range that you’ve installed recently? 
Just how does this work? It is clearly not specified in the draft.

The second comment is that using the prefix-originator TLV is a terrible choice 
of encoding. Note that if there is any router in the domain that doesn’t 
support the extension, you’ll actually attract traffic towards the ABR 
blackholing it.

Further, I think your example is a bit contrived. I’d hope that an OSPF area 
with “thousands” of summarized PE addresses wouldn’t be portioned by a single 
failure as in figure 1 in the draft and your slides. I also that the option of 
a backbone tunnel between the ABRs was removed from the draft since it 
diminished the requirement for this functionality.


From: Gyan Mishra <hayabusa...@gmail.com>
Date: Monday, March 8, 2021 at 6:57 PM
To: Acee Lindem <a...@cisco.com>, Aijun Wang <wang...@chinatelecom.cn>, 
<draft-wang-lsr-prefix-unreachable-annoucem...@ietf.org>, lsr <lsr@ietf.org>


Please ask the two questions you raised about the PUA draft so we can address 
your concerns.

If anyone else has any other outstanding questions or concerns we would like to 
address as well and resolve.

Once all questions and  concerns are satisfied we would like to ask for WG 

Kind Regards


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Gyan Mishra

Network Solutions Architect

M 301 502-1347
13101 Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD

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