Folks -

Recent discussions on the list have highlighted some unintentional ambiguity in 
how ASLA advertisements are to be used. Please see

The following proposed Errata address this ambiguity and aligns language in the 
two RFCs.

We welcome comments on the proposed Errata before officially filing them.

  Les and Peter

Errata Explanation

Both RFC 8919 and RFC 8920 define advertising link attributes with zero length 
Standard Application Bit Mask (SABM) and zero length User Defined Application 
Bit Mask (UDABM)
as a means of advertising link attributes that can be used by any application. 
However, the text uses the word "permitted", suggesting that the use of such 
advertisements is "optional".
Such an interpretation could lead to interoperability issues and is not what 
was intended.

The replacement text below makes explicit the specific conditions when such 
advertisements MUST be used and the specific conditions under which they MUST 
NOT be used.

RFC 8919 Section 4.2:


"If link attributes are advertised associated with zero-length Application 
Identifier Bit Masks for both standard applications and user-defined 
then any standard application and/or any user-defined application is permitted 
to use that set of link attributes so long as there is not another set of 
advertised on that same link that is associated with a non-zero-length 
Application Identifier Bit Mask with a matching Application Identifier Bit set."


"Link attributes MAY be advertised associated with zero-length Application 
Identifier Bit Masks for both standard applications and user-defined 
Such advertisements MUST be used by standard applications and/or user defined 
applications when no link attribute advertisements with a non-zero-length
Application Identifier Bit Mask and a matching Application Identifier Bit set 
are present for a given link. Otherwise, such advertisements MUST NOT be used."

RFC 8919 Section 6.2


"Link attribute advertisements associated with zero-length Application 
Identifier Bit Masks for both standard applications and user-defined 
applications are usable
by any application, subject to the restrictions specified in Section 4.2. If 
support for a new application is introduced on any node in a network in the 
presence of such
advertisements, these advertisements are permitted to be used by the new 
application. If this is not what is intended, then existing advertisements MUST 
be readvertised
with an explicit set of applications specified before a new application is 


"Link attribute advertisements associated with zero-length Application 
Identifier Bit Masks for both standard applications and user-defined 
applications are usable
by any application, subject to the restrictions specified in Section 4.2. If 
support for a new application is introduced on any node in a network in the 
presence of such
advertisements, the new application will use these advertisements, when the 
aforementioned restrictions are met. If this is not what is intended, then 
advertisements MUST be readvertised with an explicit set of applications 
specified before a new application is introduced."

RFC 8920 Section 5


"If link attributes are advertised with zero-length Application Identifier Bit 
Masks for both standard applications and user-defined applications,
then any standard application and/or any user-defined application is permitted 
to use that set of link attributes. If support for a new application
is introduced on any node in a network in the presence of such advertisements, 
these advertisements are permitted to be used by the new
application. If this is not what is intended, then existing advertisements MUST 
be readvertised with an explicit set of applications specified
before a new application is introduced.

An application-specific advertisement (Application Identifier Bit Mask with a 
matching Application Identifier Bit set) for an attribute MUST
always be preferred over the advertisement of the same attribute with the 
zero-length Application Identifier Bit Masks for both standard
applications and user-defined applications on the same link."


"Link attributes MAY be advertised associated with zero-length Application 
Identifier Bit Masks for both standard applications and user-defined 
Such advertisements MUST be used by standard applications and/or user defined 
applications when no link attribute advertisements with a non-zero-length
Application Identifier Bit Mask and a matching Application Identifier Bit set 
are present for a given link. Otherwise, such advertisements MUST NOT be used."

RFC 8920 New Section between 12.1 and 12.2. Current sections following this new 
section will need to be renumbered.

12.2 Use of Zero-Length Application Identifier Bit Masks

"Link attribute advertisements associated with zero-length Application 
Identifier Bit Masks for both standard applications and user-defined 
applications are usable
by any application, subject to the restrictions specified in Section 5. If 
support for a new application is introduced on any node in a network in the 
presence of such
advertisements, the new application will use these advertisements, when the 
aforementioned restrictions are met. If this is not what is intended, then 
advertisements MUST be readvertised with an explicit set of applications 
specified before a new application is introduced."

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