Bruno -

From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 2:13 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>
Subject: RE: IS-IS flooding

Some more questions on S13 (speeding UP, aka sensing the receiver performance)

Can you clarifying the definition of the three measurements reported (LSPTxMax, 
Tx, RxAv)?
[LES:] LSPTxMax on the slides really should be LSPTxRate i.e., the current 
target rate for sending LSPs.
Tx is the actual number of LSPs sent in the most recent 1 second interval. This 
lags LSPTxRate, especially when slowing down (easier to see on Slide 9).
Rx is the actual number of ACKs received in the most recent 1 second interval.
On Slide 13, since we are speeding up, Tx == Rx and the Tx colour has been 
overwritten by the Rx colour.

So far, it seems that LSPTxMax is always higher than RxAv, i.e. the sender's 
estimation seems higher than the receiver capability.
Could you elaborate why there is no loss of LSP?
[LES:] Slide 13 is a case where the receiver has recovered from some earlier 
transient load and is now capable of sustaining a higher receive rate. As we 
increase LSPTxRate, the Rx line follows - but lags in time because of 
propagation/ack delays. But since the Receiver is able to process more 
LSPs/second than we are sending there is no loss.

Trying to guess on my side (since the algorithm is not published in the draft):
a) LSPTxMax seems in advance of phase (compare to the real sending rate)
b) the receiver seems buffering the LSP in excess rate. i.e. the algorithm 
seems to take benefit of a buffer that he knows nothing about (and may be 
specific to your implementation). Do you know the size of this buffer (either 
from implementation knowledge or from measurements)? If not, you could please 
send the rate data so that I can compute the one used. (looking at the second 
figure, the buffer seems to be at least 400LSP (220*(15-13) which a 
conservative measurement on the graph)

[LES:] In the tests we ran there were no actual drops due to buffer exhaustion. 
 We did however artificially create drops at the receiver to test at the lower 
This is one area we are going to do more testing as we realize that we also 
need to test lower rates where the receiver does not drop, just lags in 
processing the received LSPs because of load.

The second figure is showing two bursts.
Why/how has the sender paused?

[LES:] We have an LSPDB size of 2K in our simulated network. In the case of 
LSPTxRate of 1000/sec, we did not ramp up from 100 to 1000 LSPs/sec in the time 
it takes to flood 2000 LSPs. We needed to trigger another "event". The quiet 
period in between is simply the delay before we triggered another flood of 2000 


Thank you,

From: Lsr [] On Behalf Of<>
Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 10:41 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <<>>
Subject: [Lsr] IS-IS flooding


Thank you for the implementation and test results.
I have some clarification questions on your test results

What burst size did you use? And distributions of reals values if possible, if 
not (min, max, average, median) would be useful.
What scheduling frequency/period did you use on the sender?

Given that the sender seems to react after 1 second, it seems clear that 
feedback (PSNPs) was received before.
- How fast does the receiver sends PSNP? Is this default value or was that 
- What value did you use for you configured parameter "Receiver ACK Delay"?

Thank you,


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