Hi, Les and Acee:

The answer to your previous concerns are the followings.

For discussion convenience, I will use PUAM to represent “Prefix Unreachable 
Announcement Mechanism” later.



1.  From Les:  

For me, the solution has two major drawbacks:

1)It tries to repurpose an existing (and fundamental) Reachability 
Advertisement into an UnReachability advertisement under certain conditions


The interoperability risks associated with this make me very reluctant to go 
down this path.

And the use of the same advertisement to indicate Reachability and 
Unreachability is IMO highly undesirable.

【WAJ】:It is easy to make sure all of the routers within one domain to upgrade 
to support the PUAM feature. The similar requirements apply also to your 
introduced IS-IS Pulse PDU.



2)The withdrawal of the "Unreachability Advertisement" after some delay (which 
is necessary)  remains problematic despite the authors attempts to address thus

【WAJ】Would you like to elaborate more accurate? 


2. From Acee:  


1.       Usage of the prefix-originator for unreachability notification 
requires that every router in the domain support the extension before it can be 
used. If a router don't support it and ignores the prefix-originator sub-TLV, 
it will actually prefer the advertising ABR (due to LPM) and blackhole the 

【WAJ】The updates of every routers within the domain can be done in deployment. 
We can add some capabilities bit in the “Router Information” LSA. The ABR 
should only announces the PUAM message when all of internal router supports 
this features.

2.       The non-deterministic nature of the notification. Unreachability is 
advertised for any route that is subsumed by a range and become unreachable.

【WAJ】No. As described in 
 the ABR has the ability to control when and for which prefix to send out the 


Is this advertised forever if the route in question is taken out of service? 

【WAJ】No. Please see also the description in last paragraph of 


What about a route that is mistakenly put into service - will we advertise 
unreachability forever?

【WAJ】Should the question be “what about a route that is mistakenly put out of 
service?”, if so, the PUAM will be triggered. But it will not be advertised 


What if the PE is already unreachable when the ABR comes up - no reachability 
information will be advertised. 

【WAJ】The PUAM will not be triggered. Please see the description in last 
sentence of 

For discussion convenience, I copy the section 7 of PUAM draft here:

 .  Deployment Considerations
   To support the PUA advertisement, the ABRs should be upgraded
   according to the procedures described in Section 4 
 .  The PEs that
   want to accomplish the BGP switchover that described in Section 3.1 
   and Section 5 
  should also be upgraded to act upon the receive of the
   PUA message.  Other nodes within the network should ignore such PUA
   message if they don't care or don't support it.  The routers within
   the IGP domain should not install erroneously the route to the
   prefixes when they receives PUA message.
   As described in Section 4 
 , the ABR will advertise the PUA message
   once it detects there is link or node down within the summary
   address.  In order to reduce the unnecessary advertisements of PUA
   messages on ABRs, the ABRs should support the configuration of the
   protected prefixes.  Based on such information, the ABR will only
   advertise the PUA message when the protected prefixes(for example,
   the loopback addresses of PEs that run BGP) that within the summary
   address is missing.
   The advertisement of PUA message should only last one configurable
   period to allow the services that run on the failure prefixes are
   converged or switchover.  If one prefix is missed before the PUA
   mechanism takes effect, the ABR will not declare its absence via the
   PUA mechanism.


3.       Like the event notification draft, the unreachability notification 
will trigger BGP reconvergence. 

【WAJ】Exactly, the above sentence should be “Event notification draft takes the 
similar procedure described in PUAM draft, that is the PUAM will trigger BGP 


Additionally, an ABR that has the route is supposed to advertise a more 
specific route. However, by the time this happens, BGP reconvergence should 
have already taken place. 

【WAJ】Without the aid of BFD, the convergence time of BGP should be in second 
scale. The process of IGP flooding is event driven, then will be quicker than 
BGP hello mechanism.


4.       The interaction of MAA and reachable prefixes could cause quite a bit 
of churn when there are oscillations. However, given 1-3, I don't think we'll 
have to worry about this.

【WAJ】Please gives some examples in detail, or we can discuss this later when 
the 1-3 concerns has been solved.




-----Original Message-----
From: Aijun Wang <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn <mailto:wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn> 
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 3:36 PM
To: 'Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)' <ginsberg=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:ginsberg=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> >; 'Acee Lindem (acee)' 
<acee=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org <mailto:acee=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> >; 
'Peter Psenak' <ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> >; 'lsr@ietf.org' <lsr@ietf.org 
<mailto:lsr@ietf.org> >
Subject: RE: [Lsr] "Prefix Unreachable Announcement" and "IS-IS and OSPF 
Extension for Event Notification"


Hi, Les:


I know you are the main person that guards the improvement of IS-IS protocol, 
but the liveness of this protocol should be from various contributions. 

I admire your opinions, but think you should be more flexible to hear/adopt 
other options. 


What I worry is that do we need the seemed generalized solution to the one 
mentioned use case in current stage? I think the basis to approach this 
direction is not mature until now. 

Let's give you one example that you have developed(please do not angry):   
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6823 (December 2010) describe the 
"GENINFO TLV" to transfer the application information within the ISIS, but 
until now, only one application ID(1 for TRILL) is defined out of the reserved 
65535 values.

I will not expand the history and future of RFC6823. What I want to do is that 
we do not repeat its experiences.


One additional comments, the PUA draft has been updated based on the 
comments/suggestions from the LSR experts, it has passed several rounds reviews 
of the LSR WG members. 

We can focus to solve your remaining concerns later.


Let's first hear more opinions from other experts on the direction to solve 
this problem. We all agree it can and should be solved via IGP protocol. 



Best Regards


Aijun Wang

China Telecom


-----Original Message-----

From:  <mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org> lsr-boun...@ietf.org < 
<mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org> lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Les Ginsberg 

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 1:25 PM

To: Aijun Wang < <mailto:wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn> wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn>; 
'Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)' < <mailto:ginsberg=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
ginsberg=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>; 'Acee Lindem (acee)' < 
<mailto:acee=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> acee=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>; 
'Peter Psenak' < <mailto:ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>;  <mailto:lsr@ietf.org> lsr@ietf.org

Subject: Re: [Lsr] "Prefix Unreachable Announcement" and "IS-IS and OSPF 
Extension for Event Notification"


Aijun -


I appreciate the continued dialogue.


You no doubt remember that Peter and I discussed PUA with you and co-authors 
several times over the years (at your kind invitation)  - even before you had 
submitted the draft.

We raised the same concerns with you then that I have mentioned earlier in this 


None of the changes you have made have altered the basic mechanism that you use 
- so my objections remain the same. And that isn’t going to change...I don’t 
think PUA is a good solution.


The rest of your argument seems to be that we should move forward w the PUA 
solution just because the draft has been around for a long time. Sorry, that 
isn’t a valid argument.

Either the WG thinks PUA is good solution or it doesn't - that is the only 
basis on which a decision to adopt/not adopt should be made. The fact that you 
keep refreshing/updating the draft carries no weight.




> -----Original Message-----

> From: Lsr < <mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org> lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of 
> Aijun Wang

> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 7:50 PM

> To: 'Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)' < <mailto:ginsberg=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> ginsberg=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>;

> 'Acee Lindem (acee)' < <mailto:acee=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> acee=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>; 'Peter Psenak'

> < <mailto:ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>;  <mailto:lsr@ietf.org> lsr@ietf.org

> Subject: Re: [Lsr] "Prefix Unreachable Announcement" and "IS-IS and 

> OSPF Extension for Event Notification"


> Hi, Les:


> Thanks for your invitation. We are considering how to merge our 

> directions to the same aim.


> The reason that we want to finalize the PUA solution is due to it has 

> been discussed intensely on the previous IETF meetings and on the mail 

> list.(we start the discussion on October 2019, two years passed, now 

> in version 07) We have changed and updated the draft a lot to reflect 

> the comments from the LSR experts, including the comments from you.

> The use cases, solution procedures are almost finished, then we think 

> it is time to start the adoption call for PUA draft.

> For the remaining questions, we think we have plenty of time to solve 

> it after the adopt


> But for "IS-IS and OSPF Extension for Event Notification" draft, it 

> just began the travel for the standardization activities.

> I think it is one alternative solution to the PUA draft, but as we 

> have seen the comments on the list, whether to open the gate for the 

> event notification mechanism within IGP is needed to further intense 
> discussion.

> There may be some hidden problems has not been investigated for this 

> direction.


> And, there is no any restriction within IETF that we should rely on 

> one solution to solve the same problem. Think about how many solutions 

> exist for the Traffic Engineering requirements?

> Even within LSR WG, we have flooding reduction, flooding reflection 

> and TTZ solutions for the similar problems.


> We have never mixed them for discussion and compare. There is seldom 

> solutions can satisfy all our preferences.


> So, in conclusion, I recommend to standardize firstly the PUA draft, 

> and then to discuss whether to open the gate for the event 

> notification mechanism within IGP.

> Anyway, for the general solution, currently we have only the same use 

> case in mind as that in PUA draft.


> We are also kind to invite you, Peter, Acee to participate the PUA 

> solution, to solve the problems that you are worrying. Other LSR 

> experts(Tony Li, Greg, Robert, Jeff etc.) are also welcome The design, 

> implementation, deployment experiences of PUA mechanism can certainly 

> give the guides for the more general solution for further notification 

> event.

> And, I still think PUA solution is the easiest way to solve the 

> problem, I think all of your concerning points will emerge later in 

> "IS-IS and OSPF Extension for Event Notification" draft.



> Best Regards


> Aijun Wang

> China Telecom


> -----Original Message-----

> From:  <mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org> lsr-boun...@ietf.org < 
> <mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org> lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Les 

> Ginsberg (ginsberg)

> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 2:44 AM

> To: Acee Lindem (acee) < <mailto:acee=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> acee=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>; Peter Psenak 

> < <mailto:ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>;  <mailto:lsr@ietf.org> lsr@ietf.org

> Subject: Re: [Lsr] "Prefix Unreachable Announcement" and "IS-IS and 

> OSPF Extension for Event Notification"


> This thread is becoming "diverse".

> We are trying to talk about many different solutions (IGP, BGP, BFD) - 

> all of which may be useful and certainly are not mutually exclusive.


> If we can agree that an IGP solution is useful, then we can use this 

> thread to set a direction for the IGP solution - which seems to me to 

> be something we should do independent of whether the other solutions are also 
> pursued.


> With that in mind,  here is my input on the IGP solutions:



> -------


> For me, the solution has two major drawbacks:


> 1)It tries to repurpose an existing (and fundamental) Reachability 

> Advertisement into an UnReachability advertisement under certain 

> conditions


> The interoperability risks associated with this make me very reluctant 

> to go down this path.

> And the use of the same advertisement to indicate Reachability and 

> Unreachability is IMO highly undesirable.


> 2)The withdrawal of the "Unreachability Advertisement" after some 

> delay (which is necessary)  remains problematic despite the authors 

> attempts to address thus


> Event Notification

> ------------------------


> This avoids the drawbacks of PUA and is flexible enough to handle 

> future and unforeseen types of notifications.


> I would like to extend the offer already made by Peter to the authors 

> of PUA to join us and work on the Event Notification draft.

> The authors of PUA certainly deserve credit for raising awareness of 

> the problem space and it would be good to have them working with us on 

> a single IGP solution.


> But PUA is not an alternative that I can support.


>     Les


> > -----Original Message-----

> > From: Lsr < <mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org> lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf 
> > Of Acee Lindem (acee)

> > Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 9:49 AM

> > To: Peter Psenak < <mailto:ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> > ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>;  <mailto:lsr@ietf.org> lsr@ietf.org

> > Subject: Re: [Lsr] "Prefix Unreachable Announcement" and "IS-IS and 

> > OSPF Extension for Event Notification"

> >

> > Hi Peter,

> >

> > See inline.

> >

> > On 10/13/21, 4:42 AM, "Peter Psenak"

> > < <mailto:ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> > ppsenak=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> >

> >     Hi Acee,

> >

> >     On 12/10/2021 21:05, Acee Lindem (acee) wrote:

> >     > Speaking as WG Chairs:

> >     >

> >     > The authors of “Prefix Unreachable Announcement” have 

> > requested

> an

> >     > adoption. The crux of the draft is to signal unreachability of a 
> > prefix

> >     > across OSPF or IS-IS areas when area summarization is employed and

> >     > prefix is summarised. We also have “IS-IS and OSPF Extension for Event

> >     > Notification” which can be used to address the same use case. 

> > The

> drafts

> >     > take radically different approaches to the problem and the authors of

> >     > both drafts do not wish to converge on the other draft’s method so it 
> > is

> >     > understandable that merging the drafts really isn’t an option.

> >

> >     just for the record, I offered authors of "Prefix Unreachable

> >     Announcement" co-authorship on "Event notification" draft, arguing the

> >     the event base solution addresses their use case in a more elegant and

> >     scalable way. They decided to push their idea regardless.

> >

> > One solution to this problem would have definitely been better.

> >

> >     > Before an adoption call for either draft, I’d like to ask the WG:

> >     >

> >     >  1. Is this a problem that needs to be solved in the IGPs? The use 
> > case

> >     >     offered in both drafts is signaling unreachability of a BGP peer.

> >     >     Could this better solved with a different mechanism  (e.g., BFD)

> >     >     rather than flooding this negative reachability information across

> >     >     the entire IGP domain?

> >

> >     we have looked at the various options. None of the existing ones would

> >     fit the large scale deployment with summarization in place. Using BFD

> >     end to end to track reachability between PEs simply does not scale.

> >

> > It seems to me that scaling of BFD should be "roughly" proportional 

> > to BGP session scaling but I seem to be in the minority. My opinion 

> > is based on SDWAN tunnel scaling, where BFD is used implicitly in 

> > our solution. How many other PEs does a BGP edge PE maximally peer with?

> > Thanks,

> > Acee

> >

> >

> >     Some people believe this should be solved by BGP, but it is important to

> >     realize that while the problem statement at the moment is primarily

> >     targeted for egress PE reachability loss detection for BGP, the

> >     mechanism proposed is generic enough and can be used to track 

> > the

> peer

> >     reachablity loss for other cases (e.g GRE endpoint, etc) that do not

> >     involve BGP.

> >

> >     We went even further and explored the option to use completely out of

> >     band mechanism that do not involve any existing protocols.

> >

> >     Simply, the advantage of using IGP is that it follows the existing MPLS

> >     model, where the endpoint reachability is provided by IGPs. Operators

> >     are familiar with IGPs and know how to operate them.

> >

> >     On top of the above, IGP event notification can find other use cases in

> >     the future, the mechanism defined in draft is generic enough.

> >

> >

> >     >  2. Assuming we do want to take on negative advertisement in the IGP,

> >     >     what are the technical merits and/or detriments of the two

> > approaches?

> >

> >     we have listed some requirements at:

> >

> >     

> >  <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-event-> 
> > https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-event-

> > notification-00#section-3

> >

> >      From my perspective the solution should be optimal in terms of amount

> >     of data and state that needs to be maintained, ideally separated from

> >     the traditional LS data. I also believe that having a generic mechanism

> >     to distribute events has it own merits.

> >

> >     thanks,

> >     Peter

> >

> >     >

> >     > We’ll reserve any further discussion to “WG member” comments 

> > on the two

> >     > approaches.

> >     >

> >     > Thanks,

> >     > Acee and Chris

> >     >

> >

> >

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