Hi Chris,

Put the content together, my understanding is that “As a WG member, I agree 
with Tony P’s comments about using transport instance.” Please correct me if I 
misunderstood you, and I’ll update the minute.


> On Nov 17, 2021, at 6:59 AM, Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org> wrote:
>> On Nov 16, 2021, at 10:36 PM, Aijun Wang <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn> wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> The followings are the responses for the comments on PUAM 
>> draft(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-wang-lsr-prefix-unreachable-annoucement-08)
>> Les:      The comment I want to make, I think the discussion on the
>>          list highlighted the fact that there's an open question,
>>          independent of whether we use the prefix unreachable
>>          draft or the Event Notification draft, as to whether this
>>          problem should be solved by the IGP or whether it should be
>>          solved by BGP, or in some other way. And I think the logical
>>          way to proceed on this is to get the consensus of the working
>>          group as to whether an IGP solution is desired first, then
>>          after we reach consensus on that, then we can start talking
>>          about which approach is the better approach. Which one
>>          should be adopted?
>> 【WAJ】The problem is occurred due to the summary action by the ABR router in 
>> IGP, it should be solved by IGP itself.
>> As discussed earlier on the list, the possible use case is not limited to 
>> BGP fast convergence.
>> Based on the above considerations, it is not appropriated solved via BGP. 
>> Chris H:  Chair hat on. You've been asking for adoption for a while.
>>          The event notification draft is new. I agree with Les that
>>          in a perfect world that would be the case, but asking for
>>          adoption is one way to answer the question. It may be not
>>          the perfect way to answer that question, but it is one way.
>>          I agree without my chair hat on, I'm not sure we need this,
>>          but it's not for me to say by fiat. Acee did put something
>>          out on the list to try to engage people again. And I don't
>>          think a lot got said.
>> 【WAJ】we have several round discussions for this topic but there is always no 
>> conclusion at the end. 
>>       Can the expert that reluctant to accept the new idea to give some 
>> specific questions/problems for the current solution?
>>      Or else it is not helpful for the solve of the existing problem.
>>       Initiate the adoption call maybe the best way to let the experts 
>> express their opinions? 
>>       We would like to hear the specific and detail comments for the current 
>> solutions, not just general comments.
>> Acee:     I didn't see much support other than from the authors. I
>>          saw one non-author support on the event notification. 
>> 【WAJ】Does anyone not agree what we analyze/summarize at the presentation 
>> material for the two solutions? 
>> (https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/112/materials/slides-112-lsr-05-puam-stublink-00.pdf,
>>  the 5th slide)
>> Chris:    Everyone has a right to ask for an adoption. Everyone has a
>>          right to say we shouldn't adopt this and there are the
>>          reasons. We've let people to express opinions, without
>>          seeing a lot of negative opinions it's hard not to just grant
>>          the adoption call.
>> 【WAJ】I agree.
>> Tony P:   I think this is all making a trash can out of the IGP. One
>>          possible solution is to ban or encouraged maybe everyone with
>>          these kind of suggestions to go towards the service instance
>>          stuff or whatever we call it, which I think is a good idea.
>>          Just run a power line up and much lower priority. Don't trash
>>          the main protocol that holds the whole thing together.
>> 【WAJ】Do you consider the deployment complexity for independent service 
>> instance to transfer such thing? And also the interaction on the device 
>> among the main IGP instance and the service instances? It’s the fault of the 
>> main protocol, and should be solved by the main protocol.
>> Chris:    Great comment for the adoption call. As a WG member, I agree.
> This makes it seem like I'm saying that I agree with your response. I'd 
> strike that "As a WG member, I agree".
> Thanks,
> Chris.
>> From: lsr-boun...@ietf.org <lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Acee Lindem 
>> (acee)
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 2:56 AM
>> To: lsr@ietf.org
>> Subject: [Lsr] IETF 112 LSR Meeting Minutes
>> The IETF 112 LSR Meeting Minutes have been uploaded. Thanks to Yingzhen Qu 
>> for taking them!!!
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/112/materials/minutes-112-lsr-00
>> The IETF 112 LSR Meeting MeetEcho recording is available here:
>> https://play.conf.meetecho.com/Playout/?session=IETF112-LSR-20211111-1200
>> Thanks,
>> Acee
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