
> On Jul 10, 2022, at 5:14 PM, Jeff Tantsura <> wrote:
> Thanks Sue!
> We don’t have to always reinvent the wheel (at least not every time 😊)
> I’m aware of at least 1 implementation streaming LSDB for TE consumers (gRPC)
> There are most probably some other vendor specific encodings/methods to steam 
> to do that 

Minimally, the Openconfig group has models for the LSDB and some number of 
vendors either have implementation for providing access to that state via 
netconf, or gNMI.

Example model:

I've largely reached the point where when someone uses the term "subscription" 
in terms of operational state, I'm going to think "you want this in YANG 
modeling via one of the access protocols for that".

For general operational state access, it's not bad... just very slow and eats 
your CPU doing too much printf.  (non-ascii versions of the model output become 
discussion points, but also change your ecosystem discussion).

Part of the discussion not fully had is what the consumers for this state are.  
If you're talking operational tools, getting pushed toward YANG models starts 
making more sense.  However, if you have routing driven purposes, either 
directly at consuming routers or at controllers, you want different answers.

Certainly, as you're aware, Jeff, vendors and operators are happily consuming 
BGP-LS state do to Clever Things.  For those cases, I'm not sure there's going 
to be a driver to get it out of BGP.

> I believe – there has been some work around Kafka.

It works quite nicely on collectors.  Serving your ecosystem by consuming the 
state from the network in efficient formats and then feeding tools from the 
collector in your toolchain of choice tends to be a nice model.

> Would be great to  do some study around existing solutions, see what worked, 
> what didn’t’ (and why)  

Getting various parties to discuss this publicly is the larger challenge.

-- Jeff

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