Hi Liyan,

Thanks for your comments.
The main purpose of this paragraph is to declare that even with the IGP 
extension in the draft  and it is used for path computation, as long as the 
path computation node doesn't know whether there're intermediate nodes(i.e, the 
nodes between intermediate segment endpoints) along the path need to read 
beyond the header chain as well (although in most cases, the intermediate nodes 
just do normal IPv6 forwarding and maybe process HBH header), the packet may 
still be dropped due to header size exceeding on these intermediate nodes. 
It might be something that needs to awared when you implement this feature, 
I'll try to refine it to avoid  confusion.



From: LiyanGong <gongli...@chinamobile.com>
To: 刘尧00165286;lsr <lsr@ietf.org>;ginsberg <ginsb...@cisco.com>;tom 
<t...@herbertland.com>;acee.ietf <acee.i...@gmail.com>;
Cc: ipv6 <i...@ietf.org>;
Date: 2024年02月28日 18:11
Subject: Re:[IPv6]Fw: New Version Notification 

Hi Yao,
There is one comment for you to consider.
In the last paragraph of Chapter Four, it discusses whether oversized packets 
can be avoided from being discarded or sent to the control plane. 
In my view the key point depends on whether this extension is applied to 
routing calculations. 
This paragraph describes situations where there are other types of device 
access, which I think are beyond the scope of IGP and need not be reflected in 
this draft.  
Would it be better to delete this content?

Best Regards,

发件人:"liu.yao71" <liu.ya...@zte.com.cn>
收件人:lsr <lsr@ietf.org>,ginsberg <ginsb...@cisco.com>,tom 
<t...@herbertland.com>,"acee.ietf" <acee.i...@gmail.com>
抄 送: ipv6 <i...@ietf.org>
发送时间:2024-02-22 15:39:08
主题:[IPv6]Fw: New Version Notification for 

Dear All,

A new draft 
has just been submitted.
This document is a replacement of draft-liu-lsr-igp-mpd as well as 
This document is written to propose extensions for IGP to order to advertise 
the Aggregate Header Limit of a node or a link on a node to for efficient 
packet processing, and to address the comments and discussions from Tom 
Herbert, LesGinsberg  and Acee Lindem of the previous drafts.
The the previous discussion can be found below. 
https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/lsr/ghbI7guNPMyhaxbUBd_4hGcO9zU/  (Les)
https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/lsr/X1_LI0hZpO0i705PXNVYVrUL5lA/  (Acee)

Below are the main points. 
For Les's comments
1) To discuss the new concepts in the related WGs.-------- Instead of 
introducing new concepts to the related WGs, it's mentioned by Tom that there's 
already the concept about the maximum header size that a router can be 
processed due to itself own limit is in already introduced in RFC8883, which is 
called "Aggregate Header limit". So now this draft use this concept to replace 
the self-invented ones in the previous draft.
2) No need to create a new registry nor consume a new sub-TLV code 
point.--------IGP-MSD sub-TLV is leveraged  as suggested.
3) The term "performance impact "is hard to understand.-----------The term 
"with no performance impact" has been changed to "full forwarding rate" to 
describe that a router can forward packets without adversely impacting the 
aggregate forwarding rate following the definition in 

For Acee's comments
1) What is advertised in the proposal?-------- In this new version, Aggregate 
header limit is advertised, it is the total header size(e.g, in IPv6, it 
includes the IPv6 header chain as well as any headers that are part of network 
encapsulation that precedes the innermost transport layer) that a router is 
able to process at full forwarding rate, for some devices, this limit is 
related with its buffer size and buffer design.
2) Would the nodes in the IGP domain make routing decisions based on of the 
aggregate header size limit of nodes ,or would the IGP nodes use the 
information to determine whether or not the features requiring the additional 
headers can be used ? ------------ How to use this value is implementations 
specific and optional. Section 4 of this draft provides some possible usages.

Many thanks to Tom for taking the time to discuss with me 
on many key questions including, 1)with the existing ICMPv6 error messages for 
header limit exceeding in RFC8883, is the signaling mechanism necessary, and 2) 
after the IGP signaling is introduced, can situations like packet dropping due 
to header limit exceeding be avoided.
1) When there are many nodes(either as headend or intermediate nodes) able to 
increase the total header size in the domain, and the paths can be dynamic, by 
sending and receiving ICMP messages to detect the limit of the nodes along all 
paths is difficult. And more details and usecases are provided in section 1.
2) It has been mentioned in this draft that even with the IGP extension 
introduced in this document, packet being dropped can not be completely avoided 
and why.
Other discussions like whether it is useful to advertise other header 
processing limits via routing protocols are not covered in this document. 

Any  comments or suggestion about this draft are more than welcome.


From: internet-dra...@ietf.org <internet-dra...@ietf.org>
To: 刘尧00165286;沈益明10054407;
Date: 2024年02月19日 16:46
Subject: New Version Notification for 

A new version of Internet-Draft draft-liu-lsr-aggregate-header-limit-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Yao Liu and posted to the
IETF repository.
Name:     draft-liu-lsr-aggregate-header-limit
Revision: 00
Title:    Signaling Aggregate Header Size Limit via IGP
Date:     2024-02-19
Group:    Individual Submission
Pages:    9
Status:   https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-liu-lsr-aggregate-header-limit/
   This document proposes extensions for IGP to order to advertise the
   aggregate header limit of a node or a link on a node to for efficient
   packet processing.  Aggregate header limit is the total header
   size(e.g, in IPv6, it includes the IPv6 header chain as well as any
   headers that are part of network encapsulation that precedes the
   innermost transport layer) that a router is able to process at full
   forwarding rate, for some devices, this limit is related with its
   buffer size and buffer design.
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