>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Paul> Yes, some "research" is. I think this is a fault of the
  Paul> individual research though. Certainly, to be rigorous, then
  Paul> you might have to use some math to ultimately prove some
  Paul> point. However, configuration (as we know it) has an
  Paul> essentially practical end (my "starting with a pile of boxes
  Paul> .... make a system that does X"). If the research doesn't
  Paul> contribute to that in some way that is understandable, then
  Paul> I'd say that it wasn't really on topic.

The real question is, understandable to who? I don't think this
statement really holds. For example, we experience poor performance
from compilers on several systems at our installation. We know we have
compiler problems, and are interested in the solutions to them. There
is a huge body of active research in compilers right now, as there has
been for quite a long time. Our most interested computational
scientists (as opposed to computer scientists) are interested that (a)
the research is occurring, (b) that the compilers are improving, and
(c) how to use these advances to make their codes perform. (a) and (b)
both amount to knowledge that work is being done. (c) isn't nearly as
detailed as understanding the state of the art in compiler research;
rather, users must just understand how to make the code easier for the
compiler to optimize with new techniques.

Users shouldn't need to have a deep knowledge of the research in order to
gain benefit from the resulting improvements. 

I think there are two discrete audiences. There are researchers; that
includes all of us, even if there is not active research
occurring. These are people who are interested in the state of the
art, and potential future advances.

The second group is composed of practitioners. These are people that
are interested in the state of the art, but only if it can be readily
put into practice. 

Neither of these groups are completely distinct, most of the
researchers are at least peripherally involved in the
practice. Feedback from practice is critical to the research. Neither
can occur in a vacuum. As you've pointed out, the theory is important
to building tools that won't cause serious problems later, so a
completely "pragmatic" approach is bad as well. 

  Paul> On the other hand, much of the so-called "practical" work and
  Paul> "implementation" that goes on is completely impenetrable -
  Paul> tools are full of obscuring implementation details and the
  Paul> number of people who understand more than one tool in any
  Paul> depth must be very small (?). I would find it very hard to be
  Paul> confident of completing the most obvious of tasks. (I think
  Paul> this is what you are saying about accessibility)

I don't think this is accurate. I would guess that most of bcfg2's
user community (70%+) consists of people who are competent in one or more
other tools, including lcfg and puppet. I actually got a question at
one point including a trace from a system named lcfg-test ;)

You're completely right; this is one of the accessibility issues I was
talking about. Tools _must_ be completely transparent, or problems
quickly occur. 

  Paul> Here's an idea for the workshop ....

  Paul> What if we take my example task from the SAGE book - "install
  Paul> a new Web server at your site, replace it when it breaks, and
  Paul> decommission it." Lets have four talks of 15mins each
  Paul> explaining what you would do using four different tools. Then
  Paul> let's have a discussion extracting common themes, difficulties
  Paul> etc ... ?

I think this sorts of comparisons have too tight of a focus to be
useful. I think that a day in the life comparison would be much more
interesting. These are where the real differences between tools spring
out, in my experience. 

  >> Most of the current work in autonomics, as well as Sanjai's
  >> excellent work in modelling and verification, are so complex that
  >> only sites that absolutely require them can possibly consider
  >> their use.

  Paul> Certainly, there is a lot of theoretical work in this area
  Paul> (and some work which I think is plain wrong/useless), but once
  Paul> you have a basic configuration system in place, then your
  Paul> major errors and downtime come from the kind of mistakes that
  Paul> could be avoided with a system such as this - its rather like
  Paul> using a compiler which does some basic type checking, and
  Paul> tells you when you are using, for example, a variable that is
  Paul> never used ... Of course, if you don't have a reasonable
  Paul> configuration system, then you have bigger things to worry
  Paul> about ....

You're completely correct. These techniques show a lot of promise 2-5
years out. Most practitioners cannot employ them, so are disinterested
in them. 

  >> If we ever want the world to catch up, we need accessible tools
  >> now, so that practice can start to catch up with the research.

  Paul> Yes. But things will go badly wrong later on unless you build
  Paul> your tools on a solid foundation. BASIC is probably an
  Paul> accessible language, but if you start trying to write an OS
  Paul> with it, you are going to run into difficulties at some point
  Paul> which you can't really resolve ....

Yes, you are absolutely correct. We can't built tools on unsound
foundations, but tool building is similarly uninteresting to many

I think it is a good idea to have two workshops; one research/tool
design focused, and one practice focused. Many of us would attend
both, but would be urged to keep the discussion focused on the topic
at hand. I think this approach would result in both types of focused
discussion, sufficient communication, and better traction in the
practitioner community.

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