Narayan Desai wrote:
Sanjai, does your software deal with bugs in BGP or OSPF implementations and 
the like?
No, we don't detect implementation bugs, just bugs in configuration.
The reason this approach works for network management is that there are a 
relatively small number of models that are needed, whereas on a unix system 
there may be hundreds of models that would need to interact with one another. 
(to handle everything from minicom, to the kernel, to dns and dhcp, sendmail, 
postfix, etc)
The key simplifying observation is that there is a set of fundamental protocols/distributed algorithms (P/DA) whose compositions make up an end-to-end system. DNS, DHCP, SENDMAIL are all examples of these. We capture the answer to the question "what does it mean for a group of agents executing a particular P/DA to be correctly configured?" This becomes a model of the configuration logic for that P/DA. We now compose these models to create a validation for the whole system. This was the idea behind the Service Grammar work in which the compositions are programmed in Prolog, not full first-order logic. See the papers Using Service Grammar to Diagnose Configuration Errors in BGP-4. <> /Proceedings of USENIX LISA Conference, /San Diego, CA, 2003, and Building Autonomic Systems via Configuration. <> /Proceedings of AMS Autonomic Computing Workshop, /Seattle, WA, 2003.

Behavioral tests aren't as powerful as the analytical ones that Sanjai does, but they sure are a lot more incremental.

An example of where behavioral tests don't seem appropriate is in testing single points of failure. We cannot fail individual components and links to see whether end-to-end service hold up, can we? An analytic approach is needed. However, this is also not an either/or situation. Behavioral and analytic tests are complementary. -- Sanjai

Sanjai Narain, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Information Assurance and Security Department
Telcordia Technologies, Inc. 1 Telcordia Drive, Room 1N-375
Piscataway, NJ 08854
732 699 2806 (T)
908 337 3636 (M)

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