Hi friends,

Still I am not able to load X windows on my node.  I have booted the diskless node 
under LTSP and I tried to load X windows. The mother board is intel 810e chipset. I 
have also tried with Trident SVGA card.  I am briefing here under the messages 
appeared on the screen using both cards.  Also I am attaching the lts.conf file for 
reference.  Please guide me how to go further to get X loaded in node.

XFS is running on the server  when given the command

     ps aux | grep xfs, it shown as follows.

xfs       1331  0.0  1.6  5312 4144 ?        S    Sep22   0:00 xfs -port -1 -dae
vinod     1805  0.0  0.2  1636  612 pts/1    S    00:34   0:00 grep xfs


(--) SVGA:  Intel i810e
(--) SVGA:  i810e MMID registers at ....
(--) SVGA:  I810e : Linear framebuffer at ....
(--) SVGA:  i810e: Using hardware cursor
(--) SVGA:  Setting dot clock to 75.0 mMhz [0x17 0x6 0x20 ] [25  8  2 ]
(--) SVGA:  choose watermark 0x2210a000: (tab.freq 75.0)
(--) SVGA:  Using XAA (Xfree86 acceleration architecture)
(--) SVGA:  XAA: solid filled rectangles
(--) SVGA:  XAA: Screen-to-screen copy
(--) SVGA:  XAA: 8x8 color expand pattern fill
(--) SVGA:  XAA: Indirect CPU to screen color expansion (image text, polytext)
(--) SVGA:  XAA: Using 8 128 x 128 areas for pixmap caching
(--) SVGA:  XAA: catching tiles and stipples
(--) SVGA:  XAA: Horizondal and vertical lines and segments

_FontTransSocketINETConnect: can't connect: errno=111
Failed to set default font path "tcp/
Fatel sever error:

Could not open default font 'Fixed'

When reporting a problem related to a server crash,
please send the full server output, not just the last message

INIT: ID "5" respawning too fast; disabled for 5 minuits
INIT: No more process left in this run level
When used Trident Card

(**) Mouse; buttons; 3
(**) SVGA; graphics device ID; "My video card"
(**) SVGS; Monitor ID: "My monitor"
(**) Font path set to "tcp/"
(--) SVGS; PCI; Trident tgui 9440 rev 227, memory @ 0xd5000000,0x5200000
(--) Trident chipset version; 0xee(TGUI9440AGi)
(--) SVGA; Revision 4.
(--) SVGA using Trident programable clocks
(--) SVGA chipset,(tgui9440agi)
(--) SVGA; Video ram 1024K
(**) SVGA; using 16 btp, Depth 16, Color weight :565
(--) SVGA; Maximum allowed dot-clock;45.000MHz
(--) SVGA; Clock for mode "1024x760" it is too high for the configurel hardware.
     Limit is 45,000 MHz

No valid mods found

When reporting a problem related to a server crash,
please send the full server output, not just the last message
INIT: ID "5" respawning too fast; disabled for 5 minuits
INIT: No more process left in this run level

# Config file for the Linux Terminal Server Project (www.ltsp.org)

        SERVER             =
        XSERVER            = XF86_SVGA 
        XDM_SERVER         = 
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 3
        USE_XFS            = Y
        LOCAL_APPS         = N 
        LOCAL_WM           = Y
        UI_MODE            = GUI

# Example of specifying X settings for a workstation
    X_RES_1         = 1024x768
    X_HORZSYNC      = 31-62
    X_VERTREFRESH   = 55-90
    X_MODE_1024x768 = 75.00 1024 1048 1184 1328 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync
    MODULE_01 = agpgart.o  
    MODULE_02 = uart401.o
    MODULE_03 = sb.o io=0x220 irq=5 dma 1
    MODULE_04 = opl3.o
    RUNLEVEL        = 5 

# Example of a workstation configured to load some modules
#    MODULE_01       = agpgart.o                # This is for i810 video
#    MODULE_02       = uart401.o
#    MODULE_03       = sb.o io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1
#    MODULE_04       = opl3.o

# Example of ws001 configured for local apps
    LOCAL_APPS      = N
    LOCAL_WM        = Y 
    NIS_DOMAIN      = ltsp
    NIS_SERVER      =

# Example of a serial printer attached to /dev/ttyS1 on workstation ws001
    PRINTER_0_DEVICE   = /dev/ttyS1
    PRINTER_0_TYPE     = S              # P-Parallel, S-Serial
    PRINTER_0_PORT     = 9100           # tcp/ip port: defaults to 9100
    PRINTER_0_SPEED    = 9600           # baud rate: defaults to 9600
    PRINTER_0_FLOWCTRL = S              # Flow control: S-Software (XON/XOFF),
#                                       # H-Hardware (CTS/RTS)
    PRINTER_0_PARITY   = N              # Parity: N-None, E-Even, O-Odd
#                                       # (defaults to 'N')
    PRINTER_0_DATABITS = 8              # Databits: 5,6,7,8 (defaults to 8)

# Example of setting the ramdisk size to something other than the
# default of 1024k ( 1mb ).  Make sure you also tag your kernel with
# and specify the new ramdisk size.
    RAMDISK_SIZE   = 8192

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