dear friend,
                   now i have tha tagged image in
/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz.rtl8139 in server.
              i downloaded the etherboot-5.0.4 from
"" then i got the bootrom file
in floppy by
              "make bin32/rtl8139.fd0". 
              then i tried to boot the client with the
floppy its booting the client.

my doubt is the file in floppy which one is obtain by
the        "make bin32/rtl1839.fdo" is a bootrom code
or not.

can i write the file in floppy to bootrom, if i write
means whether it will boot the diskless client or not.

if that file is not a bootrom code means please tell
me, where to obtain that code or how please.

please help me,

please this is very urgent, help please.

thanks a lot in advance,


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