Hmm, just spotted this on the RedHat Bugzilla database for RH7.0:
"TFTP shutdown due to looping after multiple requests from same host"
It was closed as "not a bug" - this is a 'feature' of xinetd.

Not sure why the client needs to be *so* persistent in making
tftp requests though?


----------------- Original message follows -----------------

Date:    11/13/2001 - 10:20 p.m. (UTC)
From:    alvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] Multiple TFTP requests.

I am using a etherboot boot image being loaded via rpld.
One of the things I have noticed is that I get about 10 tftp requests
all at once for the /tftpboot/ file. 

Has anybody seen this before and know what the cure is?

Alvin Starr                   ||   voice: (416)785-4051
Interlink Connectivity        ||   fax:   (416)785-3668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              ||

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