Hi LTSP list,

I have troubles with local sound on a thin client with (hopfully)
soundblaster compatible sound chip on board.

The ltspsound-0.1c module gives some hints, but the installation does not
work in my SuSE context, so I did everthing by hand to understand more. My
general understanding is, that you have to fullfill the following to get
sound working at runlevel 3.

1. boot your WS to runlevel 3 bash
2. using "insmod" to load several SoundModules for your card.
3. Make sure "auplay", "auinfo" and "nasd" (and all libs) are available
4. start the networked sound deamon
5. use a testprogram "auplay" to play the sound locally and still without X

In short: 1-4 works. 5 does not, "auinfo" and "auplay" display 'can not
connect to audio server'.

This is what I did.

    ## 2te Geode Box mit Etherboot Flashrom
#    XSERVER         = vesa
#    LOCAL_APPS      = N
#    USE_NFS_SWAP    = N
    RUNLEVEL        = 3

    SOUND           = Y
    SOUND_DAEMON    = nasd
    SMODULE_01      = sound
    SMODULE_02      = uart401
    SMODULE_03      = sb_lib
    SMODULE_04      = sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1


# to get lts.conf values via get_cfg
. /etc/ltsp_functions

echo "Loading Sound modules"

insmod soundcore

for i in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10; do
    SMODULE=`get_cfg SMODULE_${i}`
    if [ "$SMODULE" != "" ]; then
        insmod ${SMODULE}

echo "Running Sound Server" ${SOUND_DAEMON}

case ${SOUND_DAEMON} in
   nasd) nasd -aa &
         aumix-minimal -v100 -w100 -c90 -m100
   rplay) rplay $options here
   esd) esd $options here
   *) echo "Unknown Value for SOUND_DAEMON [$SOUND_DAEMON]"


After that I can see all my kernel modules with "lsmod" and with "ps" I see
my nasd sound daemon running. I can also start "auinfo" and "auplay" with
help options, without any Lib-Errors. I checked those 3 progs with ldd and
copied libs.

But "auinfo" and "auplay" do not connect to "nasd".

Can someone help here?

Since I do not know linux sound and especially nasd (auinfo, auplay) well,
it might be a simple error.

All the best


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