At 6:33 +0200 9/28/01, Doug Herbert wrote:
but many lines are deleted
>We have 'other' workstations with this 3Com Lan chips which require the
>'imggen' utility run over the kernel. I ran imggen over vmlinuz.ltsp and it
>said  successful - but on testing the boot procedure, I get a message from
>mnki 1.2.2 saying invalid parameter. This reminds of when I why trying to
>build my own kernel with this utility.
>If anybody has successfully got imggen to work on the new kernels, let me

You need also the etherboot package IIRC

First convert the kernel to a netboot image by
mknbi --outfile=bootimage /usr/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage

Then convert it to 3COM proprietary image by
imggen -a bootimage fancyMBAimage

Could anyone tell me where to find the source of imggen?

Kind Regards, Geert Stappers
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