Hi All,

I'm having problems with booting my first client. I'm using Mandrake 8.1 with
an Athlon 700 1Gb server, and the client is an AMD K6-2 400 using a 3Com 
3c905C-TX-M NIC. 

I know Mandrake 8.1 isn't in the official supported list, but I took a look 
at the templates of ltsp_core and checked out the mandrake-8.0.sh script. 
Apart from the xinetd/inetd change, all looked ok, so I cp'd 8.0 to 8.1 and 
ran the install. I then went back and hand-edited the xinetd configs as 

The client can now get its IP address from the DHCP server (, had 
to change the subnet and server IP as well, made sure all config 
file references under /tftpboot were updated as well as the various /etc 
files). DHCP allocation works and can be seen in the logs. The client then 
retrieves its kernel from the tftp server but after that just freezes. The 
totality of the console output is

Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA) v4.00
(C) Copyright 1999 Lanworks Technologies Co. a subsidiary of 3Com Corporation
All rights reserved.


The cursor then sits blinking at the start of the next line indefinitely. 
Looks like it's getting the kernel, but simply isn;t trying to boot it (or 
the boot is freezing before any output occurs). The above output happens when 
using the 3c905 kernel, using the 'all' kernel causes the client to freeze 
after just 9 '.''s into TFTP loading, with no line return at the end, 
although weirdly it seems to show a larger number of dots on the TFTP line 
v.v.briefly before putting up just the nine. My secure log shows the tftp 
transaction starting, so I guess it's not a security issue.

I believe the hardware is ok, it was running Linux previously off of a local 
hard disk (now removed). hosts.allow is defined as ALL: ALL (I'm behind a 
separate firewall, so will worry about the security of the system later), and 
I've turned off firewalling on the server.  

Anyone seen anything like this before? I'd like to snoop the network traffic 
to verify that the kernel is actually being tftp'd - anyone suggest a good 
sniffer - I'm used to the built-in Solaris 'snoop'. 

Any pointers for next avenue of research greatly appreciated.

All those that've read this far, thanks. Huge thanks to anyone that replies!

Steven Edgar

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