> John,
> Just wondering, what do you have installed locally on the
> workstation, in terms of Linux? Anything? 

*** We have some decent client machines (Pentium 266-350 w/64-128MB
ram) so we run almost everything locally. We have a wide range of
programs such as Star Office & CorelPhotoPaint 9. All programs run locally
currently except for Star Office & PhotoPaint which run remotely on the
server (Server is dual pentium 1000 w/ 4GB ram,ltsp ver 2.07)-things seem
to work pretty well so far. I like local app configuration because it's
easier to handle local floppy, sound, etc. Also this configuration is
easier to set up which programs run on the clients and which ones run on
the server. I have written a simple program to launch applications
on the server instead of using rsh/ssh to do it(exe_remote). You configure
your system for local apps then (for example) if I type this on the ltsp

bash> netscape (runs locally on the client)
bash> exe_remote "netscape" (runs on the server)

The exe_remote program keeps a connection open with the client and
periodically sends a very small amount of traffic to the server. If the
server doesn't receive that keep-alive traffic withing about 20 seconds it
assumes the connection was terminated and kills all the programs running
remotely on the server for that user. This really helps in preventing
runaway processes eating up cpu/memory because users dont shut down their
client machines/programs properly. Right now everything is very new
(running for about 6 weeks) but seems to be working - time will tell. 

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