Sitat "fam.valverde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> does somebody how to deal with iptables i dont know that much of
> english so a quick help good be cool

Am cool. Outside temp -20degC.

> my bash say 
> iptables v1.1:cant initialize iptables table 'filter' : iptables
> who?(do youneed to insmod?)
> Prehaps iptables or your kernel need to be upgrade
> but im running RH7.0  please any quick help on this  :D

This is strictly not an LTSP issue, you will get much better response if you 
try your local or global usenet groups.

Anyway, RHL 7.0 does not use the 2.4 kernel and I don't think iptables will 
be ported to run on the 2.2 kernel. Under kernels 2.2.x the packet filtering 
is called ipchains.

Now, if you have upgraded your RHL 7.0 to use kernel 2.4, then the 
situation is different. iptables and ipchains are mutually exclusive, you 
cannot run both at the same time. Most likely ipchains is loaded in the 
kernel at boot. See what you have with 


Try removing ipchains, if it is in the list of loaded modules, with 

rmmod ipchains

Then your iptables commands should work. Try iptables -L.

Stop ipchains from loading at boot with

chkconfig --level 345 ipchains off

or use ntsysv.

Mvh Ragnar Wisløff
life is a reach. then you gybe.

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